Ch. 27: The Visitors/An Overdue Apology/Reunited

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Adrien and I rush to class. I slam the door open as Adrien follows me.

"Sorry we're late. We were talking about something really important." I say.

" Ok... Ill let it slide this time... Next time you wont be as lucky. " Ms. Bustier says.

We both nod and sit in our seats.

"Ok class since we're going to Auradon for Princess Alexandrite Concielle. A.k.a. Marinette. Shes going to give us some info about what we are going to do and what its like there." She says.

"Thanks for the little intro Ms. Bustier but just call me Marinette. No need to be so formal. Anyway Auradon is another dimension as you all know. I have some pictures to show you all." I say.

"Yeah right! Like we'd have to be formal around you Marinette Dupain-Cheng the biggest klutz of all of Paris. Besides you trip over air. Like who does that? " Chloe says.

"Really? What about when I defeated Toffee? Or when i was akumatized?" I ask her.

" well Hawkmoth probably gave you those powers amd they probably stayed when you were fighting Toffee. " she says.

"Well one: Hawkmoth only grants an akimatized victim one super power. And two: ill prove it... That I'm not clumsy at all... and that i do own these powers." I say.

I can feel my eyes go green. I point my dagger at her. I say.


I lift her up and throw her at the door. Before she can hot the dopr shes caught by a figure.

The figure comes out and i see all of my parents.

I gasp and feel the dagger disappear and my eyes turn back to normal.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"We came to say some things about you. Annd things about Auradon and the Isle Of The Lost." Tandy says.

" ok i understand why Mal and Ben are here but why are the rest of you here? " I ask.

"We came here to visit." Sabine says.

" One: Tom Sabine i already see you guys a lot. And two: why would you visit me at school? " i ask.

"Because we wont be able to see you much when your in Auradon." Tyrone says

" you could always visot me there or here before i leave. " i say.

I shrug my shoulders and hear Mal ask.

"Why was this girl flying towards the door?"

" Well, she insulted me calling me 'fake' i mean it wasnt axactly what she said but it basically was. She also insulted the family... All four. " I say.

"So you were planning on throwing her across the room?"

"I was just proving I had the powers that I had when I defeated Toffee. I still have them too. Chloe Bourgeois." I say.

" ok i believe you just please let me go. " she says.

"No you don't. You just want to be let down. What happened to you Chlo? What happened to the girl I used to know? When i first came to Paris... You were nice amd generous back then... what made you change... What made you hate me so much? I know i chose popularity over you... It was wrong... I know that. I know ypu dont like being mean... I know you want to be good... I know you regret what you've done... Everyone has made a mistake before and regret it... I regret choosing popularity over you... I regret having to lie to everyone just to keep them safe... No matter who they were... Chloe... I know there's still some good in you... Thats why i chose you to be Queen Bee. I trusted you... I knew that deep down... The Chloe I used to know... Was still in there somewhere... I know its still inside you... The good Chloe... I understand why you're mad... I know why you're being mean to everyone... You want to be exceptional to your mom... If she cant see that your exceptional then maybe you dont have the right mother... I'm not saying that you should just forget about her... All I'm saying is that maybe she doesn't truly love you... I mean she cant even get your name right on the first try. I mean a real mother and friend that loves and cares for you would know who you truly are... I understand if you cant forgive me... I just want the old Chloe back... You can be mean to me all you want... I just dont want to have to see everyone else have to go through your nastiness because of something I did. " I say.

All of the sudden i feel arms wrapped around me.

I hear everyone gasp but my parents.

We let go and i see Chloe.

We both see Nino catch Alya as she faints.

"Oh please." Chloe says.

"We were sealing our friendship." I say.

"Its not that surprising." We both say.

We look at each other and burst out laughing.

By the time Alya wakes up Chloe and I are sitting at a desk and talking about the past.

I walk up to Alya and say.

"There's no need to be jealous of Chloe. Sure she was my first best friend... But you are the first best friend I've had that stuck with me... All the way through..." I say as i hug Alya.

Just then the bell rings.

Before anyone can leave I say.

"Tomorrow we will discuss whats going to happen."

Everyone nods and we go to lunch.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this lil chappy. I'll keep trying to post a chapter a day but hopefully I can get this story finished soon. My posts might seem off because I start school August 14. Until next time. Bug Out!

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