Ch. 7: Eavesdropping and Confrontation

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I get home and go to my room. I hear footsteps but I don't have to look up to know it's my parents.

"Soo How'd it go?" My parents ask.

" Terrible. I tried to do what I failed but I couldn't bring myself to do it... I was terrified that I'd mess it up... What if I fell... What if I injured my back by doing it... I don't want people to know... That's why we agreed to change my name... To keep me away from reporters and fans... I know I'll have to face them one day when I become queen of China and all that but it's only been like a month since I turned 15. My life is just too hectic right now... I can't deal with it... I wouldn't be able to bear the thought of knowing I failed... Twice... I didn't want to do it again for fame and money... I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it... Maybe if I had done it and gone through with it and somehow been able to do it without getting hurt I'd probably want people to know that Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Maria Dupain-Cheng are the same person... That Maria isn't and never was dead... I just think I don't want to do it for a while... I might go back to practicing with Marin... But I'm not sure if I should... Can I just be alone for now? "

"Yeah... We'll give you some space..."

The rest is the day I just lay on my bed and eventually I fall asleep.

When Marinette leaves I decide to follow her. I say that I have an emergency photo shoot. I see her get in a limo??? Strange. I decide to follow the limo. It goes to her bakery. I see her go to her room through the windows. I go in an alley and say,

"Plagg, Class out!"

I quickly and quietly go to her roof. She has a sky light. I put my ear against it and I hear footsteps. I see Marinette's parents. I hear their conversation,

"Soo How'd it go?" I hear her parents say.

" Terrible. I tried to do what I failed but I couldn't bring myself to do it... I was terrified that I'd mess it up... What if I fell... What if I injured my back by doing it... I don't want people to know... That's why we agreed to change my name... To keep me away from reporters and fans... I know I'll have to face them one day when I become queen of China and all that but it's only been like a month since I turned 15. My life is just too hectic right now... I can't deal with it... I wouldn't be able to bear the thought of knowing I failed... Twice... I didn't want to do it again for fame and money... I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it... Maybe if I had done it and gone through with it and somehow been able to do it without getting hurt I'd probably want people to know that Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Maria Dupain-Cheng are the same person... That Maria isn't and never was dead... I just think I don't want to do it for a while... I might go back to practicing with Marin... But I'm not sure if I should... Can I just be alone for now? " I hear her say.

"Yeah... We'll give you some space..." I hear her parents respond.

I see her go to her bed and leave. On the way back I can't help but think...

'Marinette is a princess??? They princess of China??? Soon to be queen??? Marinette was Maria??? They were the same person??? Maria was never dead because she was also Marinette??? '

I finally process everything. I decide to tell her at school tomorrow.

The next day

I wake up and get dressed. I decide to wear this...

 I decide to wear this

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