Ch. 28: The Tour/A Strange Feeling

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It's finally time to go to Auradon. Everyone from Ms. Bustier's class is lined up. I open a portal and 26 white limos comes out.

 I open a portal and 26 white limos comes out

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After everyone goes in and their stuff is in, the limo drives through the portal

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After everyone goes in and their stuff is in, the limo drives through the portal. There is also a portal for my other families.

The first one holds.

Adrien and Marinette

Alya and Nino

Chloe and Nathaniel

Kim and Alix

The second one holds.

Ivan and Myléne

Jeleka and Rose

Max and Sabrina

Kagami and Luka

Ms. Bustier

The 3rd one holds

Sabine and Tom

Felix, Bri, Jenny, Sam, Ava, Carl, Josh, Dana, Evan, Hannah, Michael, Olivia, Celeste, and Taylor

The first 5 holds everyone from Mewni. Even the past queens and king.

The second 5 holds everyone from China.

The 11th limo holds everyone from New York.

The last 12 limos holds guards.

When we enter the portal I immediately look around. The Isle looks more clean and sanitary. I look ahead and see Auradon. The first limo parks and I'm greeted with hugs. After all of the limos lets everyone out. Ben gives the tour. We finally go to the palace and we're assigned rooms.

1: Adrien, Marinette, Alya, Nino

2: Chloe, Nathaniel, Sabrina, Max

3: Kim, Alix, Ivan, Myléne

4: Kagami, Luka, Juleka, Rose

5: Ms. Bustier.

After the tour in Auradon, Everyone meets in the main hall. Uma, Harry, Gil, Maleficent,, and Hades give us a tour of The Isle Of The Lost.

I see Tizzy, the twins, and fortune teller girl, Evil Queen, Jafar, and Curella De Vil. Soon we make it back to Auradon and visit the Natural History Museum. After exploring most of it i go into a secret room. It holds my Maleficent's scepter and my Hade's ember. I walk up to them and sigh.

I stare at both of them remembering the stories Mal and Ben told me about them when I was little. I feel tears roll down my face.

I decide to sit on the ground and stare at both. I have this weird feeling inside me but I don't know what it is. I see the ember and scepter glow blue and green. I look at a mirror and see my eyes and cheeks.

My left eye is fire blue. The right eye is fire green. On my right cheek its Hade's ember. On my left cheek its Maleficent's scepter. I gasp and back away. I exit the room and go find the others. I dont find them but I find Evie, Evil Queen, Carlos, Curella De Vil, Jay, and Jafar talking to Mal, Maleficent, Hades, and Ben. Luckily everything is back to normal. I face the group as i say.

"Guys... I need to show you something..."

They are all confused but nod. They follow me to the secret room. I stare at them both blankly. I see the ember and the scepter glow. I look in a mirror and see what happened last time too.

"Alex... Sweetie whats wrong?" Evie asks.

I look up and face them.I

I hear them gasp.

"While everyone else was taking the tour I went in here. I just sat down and stared at the ember and the scepter... Next thing I know... This happeneds. I think there's something wrong... I feel like something bad is going to happen." I say.

" what do you mean? " Mal asks.

"When I was in here... I felt something weird inside me... I feel it now too... I want to destroy things, make people run and scream, make them fear me, I have this urge to just grab both the ember and the scepter and do just those things... I was able to control those feeling when I visited... But now... I can hardly control it at all... All i know is that do something bad is going to happen... And I'm going to be the cause of it all." I say.

"Its ok... We'll figure this out." Evie says.

"Thanks E." I say.

We all exit the room and I say bye. I go up to my room and sigh.

Hey guys. I hope you like this lil chappy. Until next time. Bug Out!

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