Ch. 8: More Eavesdropping

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I see Marinette and Adrien talking. I decide to eavesdrop on them. I drag Nino with me. We hear,

"Hey." Mari says

"Hey, Marinette..." Adrien says

Adrien steps closer. Mari just stands there. Adrien whispers in Mari's ear...

Nino and I aren't sure what Adrien said. It was too quiet.

Adrien steps back and smirks. Mari grabs his arm and drag him to the back of the school. We decide to follow them.

"WHO TOLD YOU THAT!!!" Mari whisper-yells.

"Chill Mari... After you left I went after you to see if you were ok. I told the others that I had a photo shoot. I followed you here. I heard your conversation with you and your parents." Adrien says.

"But how... I... We were in my room..." Mari says.

"About that... First promise you won't tell or be disappointed..." Adrien says

" Ok... " Mari says.

"I grabbed a ladder and went on your roof. I was curious and put my ear up to your sky light and heard... I know it was wrong... I'm sorry..." Adrien says.

" you are going to pay for that... Later... Don't tell a soul. You tell anyone you are dead! Got it? " !as I says.

"Yes..." Adrien says.

" Good. Now let's go to class. " Mari say.

"Ok." Adrien says.

They go through the back door and enter Ms. Bustier's class.

"Nino... Something is definitely happening. They know something we don't. I'm not liking it. Marinette tells me everything. We need to find out what it is." I say

"Not 'we' you. I honestly don't care. If Marinette didn't tell you it's probably for a good reason... But I am a bit curious sooooo... I'll help. I wanna know what it is."

" Good. Then Opperation Find What Mari And Adrien Are Hiding From Us, is a go! "

Then we walk to class.

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