Chapter Two

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I was excited, for it was the start of the weekend, and I had plans. Of course, hanging out with my best friend Milo Niles was in the schedule. But I had to cancel my entire plans not because of my dad. But because of a short trip to the antique store.

I had woken up from my slumber and let out a long yawn as I stretched. When I had awaken my muscles, I crawled out of bed and landed on the carpeted floor with my feet. I was wearing my pajamas, my favorite ones that my biological mom bought just for me, and scratched my lower back.

"Today is a new day," I usually say at the beginning of every day. "I will give Milo a call later to see if he wants to hang out. Then I will spend time with my sister."

You guys are probably used to the main character not liking their baby brother or sister. Well, I have news for you. I am nothing like that. I was thrilled to have a younger sibling, and when she was born, I could not be happier. I was not jealous at how much attention she got instead of me, even though that my parents tried their hardest to make time for me. I mean, how can you be jealous of a little human who is precious?

I love Little Amy very much. I help feed her, change her diaper, and putting her to bed. My favorite things to do with her are playing with her, reading stories until she falls asleep, and watching a show or movie together.

And like me, she loves me back. She always gets excited when I am about to spend some time with her. In fact, her first word was the name 'Jackson.' And yes. That is my name.

I went up to my bureau, gripped the handle of the top drawer, and slid it out, revealing some of my clothes. I went through it and pulled out two pieces of clothing. A red, short-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. I shut the drawer and tossed the clothes onto my bed. Then I changed into them, put on a pair of socks and grey sneakers with streaks of black, and dashed out of the room.

I entered a room that was right next to mine, and it belonged to my little sister. Her room is like a wonderland. Both the floor and walls were a pretty yellow and had unicorns plastered all over them. Unicorns are my sister's favorite animal. Though, they are not real.

At least...that is what I thought.

I was going to carefully wake up Amy and bring her downstairs for breakfast, but she was nowhere in her bedroom. I took a quick glance at her crib. She was not in there either.

I figured that either Dad or Kira woke her and carried her to the kitchen.

Did I mention that Kira is living with us? And Dad did not even ask me and Amy!

I felt really uncomfortable that a woman, a woman whom I barely knew and replacing my real mother, was invading our home. Invading our privacy. Touching our stuff.

After Dad and Kira agreed that they should get married, Dad insisted that she should move in with us. Though, to give her credit, Kira was more considerate towards me and Little Amy than our dad was.

"I do not know, Bill," Kira said. "Should we not talk to the kids about this?"

"Amy is a baby," Dad replied. "It will not matter to her. As for Jackson, he has to get used to you sooner or later. You are going to be his new mother."

"Yeah, but...when are you going to tell them why you kicked their real mother out?"

"They do not need to know. Donna was a danger to this family, and they will keep away from her. Or else."

What did he mean by that? 'Or else'?

I exited my baby sister's bedroom and made my way down the stairs. I stepped into the kitchen and spotted Amy. She had on a princess outfit that was a gorgeous blue - her favorite color is blue, like the blue sky at night - and was sitting in her high chair. She was kicking with her little feet, and when she saw me, she put on the biggest smile that I had ever seen and began hopping up and down in her high chair.

"Jackson!" she said. "Jackson!"

I chuckled softly and kissed her little nose. "My, my. You are an adorable princess. Why, I am amazed by your beauty."

She cooed happily and grabbed my nose with a tiny hand. "Goo!"

"Hey. That is mine. I need that to smell."

My father was by the stove and flipping pancakes, and Kira was drying dishes from yesterday and putting them back in their proper spots. She turned to me and smiled.

"Morning, Jackson. How did you sleep?"

I shrugged. "Good, I guess." I even felt uneasy chatting with her.

I sat down at the table and drummed my fingers on top of it, waiting for my food. Dad flipped two big pancakes into a plate and placed them in front of me.

"Your favorite syrup is on the table," Dad informed. "And before I forget, could you take your sister to that antique shop that just opened up? They sell dolls there, and well...I accidentally broke one of Amy's dolls."

I picked up the bottle of syrup and poured some syrup on my pancakes. "Nice one, Dad."

After I had finished eating breakfast, Kira asked if she could tag along. I quickly denied, telling her that I was a big boy, and scooped up Amy.

We headed out and downtown. That is where most of the shops are. We reached the new antique store, and I happened to peer through the window and saw...


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