Chapter Thirty-Six

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Before I could ask her who Dr. Maxwell was, we heard a cry.


It was coming from upstairs and none other than my baby sister, Amy. She must have been up and upset, and I do not like when she is upset.

I informed Jade that we had to return upstairs. She was hesitant at first, but I convinced her and that I would help her clean up the mess in the living room.

It was my turn to hold her hand, and we raced up the stairs and into my sister's room. My heart was pounding, and I was breathing rapidly.

"Uh, Jackson?" Jade said. "You can let go of my hand now."

"...yes. Of course." I did so and strolled up to the crib. Jade was right behind.

There was Amy. She was standing on her little feet and gripping the top of one of the bars with her tiny hands.

I got a good look at her before asking her what was wrong. She did not seem to be sad, and there were no tears.

"Baby girl, I overheard you," I said softly. I motioned to my new friend. "We overheard you. You do not look down in the dumps, you need something?"

"Yeah!" Amy exclaimed with that cute and innocent voice of hers.

"What is it then? Whatever it is, my new friend and I will fetch it for you."

"Me!" She held out her arms and hands and fell on her little bottom.

I pointed at myself. "Me?"

She nodded and moved her little fingers, really wanting to touch me.

I chuckled. "How am I not surprised?"

I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. When Jade's eyes laid upon the baby, they glistened.

"Wow," she said. "What an adorable baby."

I smiled. "Amy says thank you. Right, Amy?"

My baby sister held up her little feet, showing me the socks that she was wearing. She just loved her feet and wanted everyone to know that.

Jade pressed her hands against her cheeks. "My goodness. I have never seen a baby that is as precious as her."

"Really?" I said. "All babies, boys and girls, are precious and irresistible."

"Well, when you have been a wooden doll for most of your life..."

"Right. Sorry." I held out my sister to her. "Here, Jade."

Jade was confused. "Why are you giving her to me? She is your baby. You made her."

I heard that as plain as day and felt sweat on my palms. I had to make it crystal clear before things got carried away.

"Amy is not my baby. I mean, she is my baby. My baby sister, not my daughter."

She blushed and darted her eyes to the ground. "You probably consider me an idiot right now."

I shook my head. "Nope. Not one bit."

She glanced back up at me and was surprised at what I said. "You do not?"

"Not at all. Who knows? I would probably think the same way if I were in your shoes."

Jade smiled a little. "Such compassion. You sure are a gentleman."

"And you are quite the lady."

She laughed, and I had to shush her. I put my finger over her lips this time...and she fainted.

I gasped and caught her before she could make contact with the floor and set her in a corner of the room. All the while, Amy was pouting because I was not giving her the attention that she deserved.

I sat next to the unconscious Jade and glanced down at the baby girl. I smirked.

"You want attention, now do you?" I tickled her belly, and she laughed her cutest laughs. Seeing her happy and hearing her laugh means the world to me.

Jade did not stay unconscious for long. She had awakened and was rubbing her forehead. "Oh...a headache..."

"Jade." I stopped tickling Amy and focused my attention back on my new friend. "Jade, are you alright?"

"I could be doing better if not for this splitting headache!"

I was about to answer when a shadow loomed over us.

There was a figure in the doorway. It was tall and seemed to be looking right at us. And it had...a backpack.

"Milo," I said. "You nearly scared us to death."

"Actually, I think that your friend already scared me to death, Jackson," Jade said. She felt herself. "Forget what I just said. I am still here. Still alive."

"Ooh. Dude," Milo said as he stepped into the room. "Who is the hottie? Your girlfriend?"

Jade frowned at him. "I am not hot. If I were, I would be covered in sweat."

"No. It means...say, where do you come from? I have never seen you at school or even in Forlot."


"It is the name of this town that we are in," I explained to her. "The sun never comes out, and the sky is always purple except at night."

"Yes, yes. I should be familiar with this place, considering the fact that this used to be the Lubriem's home."

Milo raised an eyebrow. "Pardon me? Are you speaking English?"

She crossed her arms over her chest. "You mean that you boys have never heard of the Lubriem?"

"No," Milo and I said in unison.

"Then I need to tell the Lubriem's backstory. It is crucial that you know who she is. After all, the real worlders will not listen."

I narrowed my eyes. "Real worlders?"

"Yes, and our poor Lubriem had to live among them for so long. Dealing with their politics and wicked deeds. It is no wonder that she faked her death so that she could run away from the real worlders."

"The Lubriem...faked her death?" Milo questioned.

"Yep. It was her idea. She knew that the real worlders would leave her alone if they thought that she was dead. And it worked...until the Lubriem died for real."

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