Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Nobody had to tell the others what to do next, for we all knew what to do.

We had left the basement door open, and Kira slowly descended from the stairs. One of her arms was raised, and there was a shiny and sharp object in her hand.

A knife. But it was not the same one that had been hiding in her purse.

It made me wonder how many knives she owned because neither the one from the purse or the one that she was holding were from the kitchen.

I could feel my heart sink as she reached the bottom of the stairs. My eyes were on the knife, and my first assumption was that she would murder whoever she found in this very basement.

Milo hugged me, and I felt his body shaking against mine. "I am scared," he whispered.

"Shh." I put my finger over my lips. "She will hear you."

"I do not care if she hears us. She will probably find us anyway."


Kira's eyes were now locked on the table. Before, she had been surveying the basement, seeing if she could spot any intruders. And if she did...she would probably end their lives then and there, which was not right. Keep in mind that Kira was a murderer.

I covered my mouth with my hands and held in my breath. Sweat instantly trickled from my forehead as Kira crept closer and closer to the table. I could have sworn that she had on an evil grin.

You see, Milo and I were hiding under the table, and I will admit that it was not the best hiding place. From the staircase, you can easily spot us.

So why was I still surprised that she saw us?

The broken dolls were not on the shelves and instead hiding with my mom, my baby sister, Gabi Dollson, and Vincent. I did not blame them for not returning to the shelves. They had been tortured by Kira for far too long, and her reign ended here.

When Kira was right in front of the table, in front of me and Milo, I uncovered my mouth and frowned. I had to stop her once and for all. There was no way that I was just going to sit back and allow her to kill me and my best friend.

She lowered the knife and bent down, glaring at us.

"Jackson? Milo? What are you doing down here? Please come out."

Come out? So it will be easier to kill us off? Good thing that I did not say that out loud.

"Why do you have a knife?" Milo asked her. "Are you going to murder us?"

I facepalmed. That was why I was glad that I did not blurt out what was on my mind.

She gasped. "What in the world did you say, Milo?"

"You heard me. Is this where our lives end because we discovered your secret?"

Her face scrunched up. "What secret? I am keeping no secrets."

"That is what they all say," I said. That was when I got out from under the table and tackled her.

Kira let out a shrill scream as she fell back onto the floor. I was lying on top of her and holding her down.

"Jackson! What has gotten into you? If you wanted to play the game 'Animal,' you should have told me sooner."

"This is far from a game!" I exclaimed with anger. "What you have done is unacceptable and cruel!"

Milo crawled out from underneath the table, scrambled to his feet, and dashed up the stairs.

"I will call the police!" he said. "Wait a minute. There are no police in Forlot. So I will call the hospital!"

My mother and the others had been hiding right next to one of the shelves. With Amy in her arms, Mom rushed up the stairs, and Gabi, Vincent, and the broken dolls followed.

It took a few minutes for the broken dolls to ascend the stairs, but once they were out of the basement, I snatched the knife from Kira's hand, got off her, and started to leave.


I felt something wrap itself around my ankle. I glanced down to see what it was.

A hand. A fleshy hand. The fleshy thumb and fingers wrapped around my ankle.

I looked over my shoulder. "Kira, let go!"

"Not until you tell me why you and Milo were down here. Are you planning something? Are you the ones who are keeping a secret?"

"Wow. You are a good liar. Well, you used to be. Not until I found out who you really are."

"What? I told you everything that there was to know about me when your father and I met."

"Lying. Is that the only thing that you know?"

"Jackson, what is wrong with you? I am not lying!"

"You took advantage of my family. Me, my little sister, and my dad. You should be ashamed of yourself."

"Why? I have done nothing but be kind to you guys!"


Without giving it much thought, I raised the knife - and pierced it through Kira's stomach.

"Ah!" She let go of my ankle and held her stomach. "J-Jackson...w-why did you do that?"

I watched as blood spewed from the wound and soaked her shirt. "It is what you deserve."

Not wanting to be anywhere near her, I hurried out of the basement. I was greeted by Mom and Amy. Amy was crying softly, and Mom placed a hand on my back and rubbed it.

"I saw what you did," she said.

"You saw me stab Kira?" I said.


"Are you...mad at me?"

"Not at all. Like you said to her, she deserves it. She is a killer and had to be stopped sooner or later."

As Mom was leading me away from the basement, I could not help but overhear Kira.

"You really are...your mother's son."

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