Chapter Thirty-One

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I knew right away that the dolls were upset. Although, it sounded like that only one of them was crying. Curious, I decided to forget about my glass of water and visit the dolls. Maybe I could cheer up whoever was in sorrow.

I quietly tiptoed into the other room and up to the glass case. When I was right in front of it, I came to a halt and peered in, pressing my face against the glass.

The dolls were positioned exactly like my mom left them. They sat on the shelves, their wooden heads hung over and their glassy eyes shut. It was as if they were lifeless.

"They must be sleeping," I said to myself.

The sobbing got louder, and I was unsure if it was because I was by the case. My eyes soon laid upon a doll that was not sitting still. Her wooden body was quivering, and her wooden face was buried in her wooden hands.

To me, this doll - or young girl - was pretty unique. She had black skin and long, curly hair that was a mix of black and orange. She was wearing a blue, short-sleeved dress that had a pattern of white flowers on it and shoes that were a mix of red and pink.

Not wanting to startle her, I gently tapped the glass door with the back of my hand. She must have heard me because she raised her head and lowered her arms to her sides. Tears, white tears, covered both of her wooden cheeks.

Even though that I was concerned about her, I smiled a little and waved to her.

"Hi," I greeted. "Can you hear me?"

"Y-yes," she stammered, wiping her tears and sniffing. "Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear." I pried my face from the glass door. "I heard you crying. That is why I am here."

Even with her tears, I could easily see the redness in her cheeks, and it was a sign of her being embarrassed.

"Oh, gosh. Gosh! I am terribly sorry...Jackson, is it?"

"Yep. That is me. I am Donna's son."

"Jackson. Heh. What an interesting name. It makes my name sound dumb."

"Well, I will be the judge of that. What is your name?"

"I...I do not remember. But I know that it is stupid."

"Oh. Right." I thought about how to get her to remember her name. "I have an idea."

"Really? What is it?"

"First, let me get you out of there."

Slowly and quietly, I opened the door and pulled her out from the case. I shut the door and held her as if she were my baby sister.

"So do not leave me hanging," the doll said. "What is your idea?"

"I will ask you questions..." I explained to her as I brought her into the living room. "...and you will answer them to the best of your ability."

"Okay. I do not make any promises that my answers will get us anywhere, considering that I hardly remember anything, but I will give it a go."

I sat on the couch and set the doll next to me. She was missing her right arm.

"Before you begin questioning me, can I ask you a question?" the doll asked with a timid voice.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Are you awake...because of me?"

"Hmm? I am afraid that I do not understand the question."

"Did I awaken you from your sleep because you heard me crying my poor heart out?"

"No. I did not hear you until I was by the room. So let us say that my thirst woke me up from my slumber."

"Thirst? What is that? And how does it feel?"

"Trust me. You will know what it is, how it feels, and many more things when my mom transforms you back into a human."

"Alright. But I do hope that it will be soon. Oh, how I miss my right arm."

"Would you like your right arm then?"

"Very much."

I motioned to the doll parts that were lying on the table. "Your arm should be in here somewhere."

Together, we searched through the pile, and the doll soon found her arm. She removed it from the pile and handed it to me.

"Please. Put my arm back on. I would, would be a hassle."

"Of course."

I picked her up, set her in my lap, and concentrated on getting her arm back in where it belonged. While I was doing that, I asked her my questions.

"What is your most favorite thing in the world?"

She shrugged. "I have no clue."

"What letter does your name begin with?"

"You got me there. I wish that I knew."

"Do you remember what your name sounds like?"

"Nope. I do not even remember how it is spelled."

There was a click! sound, which meant that her wooden arm was in place.

You will never believe what occurred next. Okay, okay. Maybe you will, considering that this is the one and only Forlot series.

A white aura appeared and floated around the doll. I watched in astonishment as she flew into the air and was covered entirely by white light.

There was a flash that blinded me for a second before both the light and aura slowly faded.

The doll floated down and landed on her feet, and I realized...

...that she was not a doll.

Instead of a wooden toy, there was a human girl. She had the same features as the toy. The same skin color. The same hair. The same dress and shoes.

I wanted to speak so badly, but somehow, I was unable to. Maybe it was because I was taken aback.

Taken aback by her right arm that was on upside down!

"Ah!" I screamed.

The girl took one look at her disjointed arm and screamed with me. "Ah!"



"My arm! Jackson, you need to cut it off!"

Forlot: The Mom Who Lives Next Door - Book TwelveWhere stories live. Discover now