Chapter Nine

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It was the evening, and Dad and Kira were in the kitchen and preparing a delicious meal together. I was pretty hungry so to keep my mind off my hunger, I went in my baby sister's room and played with her until the dinner was done.

I walked in, and Amy was sitting on the carpeted floor and playing with her blocks. She was stacking up the blocks and making a castle, and when she saw me, she cooed excitedly and clapped her hands. I chuckled.

I love this ray of sunshine. How could I not?

Amy could not walk yet, but had always attempted. When she would fall, she would pout and swing her little arms around. It was her way of saying, "Darn it!"

She would mostly fall on her bottom, but there had been times when she fell the wrong way and hit her head. You would know of this right away because she never cries when she fails to walk. Only when she injures herself.

Thank gosh that she is blessed with a hard head like our writer is.

My baby sister crawled around her castle, and then stood on her little feet and tried walking towards me.

I was going to tell her that it was unnecessary and that I would come to her, but then I realized that she was going to succeed sooner or later. One of these days, she would stand up just like now and would not fall. She would walk. And walk. And walk. And trust me. As soon as she got the hang of walking, there would be no stopping her.

I got on my knees, held out my arms and hands, and motioned for her to come to me, which was where she was heading.

"Such a big girl," I complimented her. "You really want to walk like the rest of us, do you not?"

She giggled, which made me wonder if she understood me, and stretched out her little arms and hands, wanting to reach me.

"Keep going, baby girl," I encouraged her. "You are almost there."

She was only a couple inches away from me when she lost her balance and landed on her bottom. When she was back to sitting again, she did her thing. The pouting and swinging the arms.

"Oh, no," I leaned forward, picked her up, and set her in my lap. I gently rubbed her bottom. "You okay, little one?"

As if she understood my question, which she probably did, she nodded.

"Are you mad?"

Amy nodded and rested her head on my stomach. I knew how to return her to her happy state.

"Do you want me to play with you?"

Her pouting came to a halt, and she tilted her head up to me. "Play?" The word 'play' is one of her favorite words.

"Yes. Let us play together. We both had a weird, long day and deserve some fun time."

Amy laughed and rolled out of my lap and onto the floor. She was lying on her chubby belly and got up. She crawled to her castle and picked up a block. I scooted next to her and the castle, and she handed the block to me.

I looked at the block, quirking an eyebrow, and then back at her. "You want me to help you finish building your castle?"

My baby sister nodded and pointed to the ceiling.

"Hmm?" I glanced up at the ceiling. "You want the castle to reach the ceiling?"

She cooed happily and clapped her hands rapidly.

"Alright. Let us do this!"

We were not even halfway finished with the castle. One, because Amy does not have a lot of blocks. And two...well, you will know by the end of this chapter.

We had used all the blocks, and before Amy could get upset about it, I said, "Where is your friend Piggy?"

Piggy is a stuffed pig and one of the very first toys that Amy got when she was born. It is her favorite toy, and she loves playing and sharing him.

The baby girl crawled to a toy chest that was filled with all kinds of stuffed animals. Bears. Horses. Even dinosaurs. She has them all!

She reached her little hand in and pulled out a stuffed pig. It was Piggy. He was all pink except his inner ears and hooves. Those were purple.

I scanned the room, hoping to find the new doll, Gabi Dollson, that our mother had given to her.


I had not stopped thinking about her and her encounter. I wished that I could tell someone, but who? Dad would be mad at me and Amy, mostly me, and Kira...well, that would be awkward. Telling your soon-to-be step-mom about your real mom.

That was when I realized that I had somebody whom I could talk with. He was trustworthy.

My best friend. Milo.

I soon spotted Gabi. She was sitting in Amy's crib, and I picked her up by the wooden arm and placed her next to my sister.

"Baby girl?" I said. "Have you introduced Gabi and Piggy to each other?"

Amy shook her head.

"Well, I think that you should. Gabi is a new toy. She needs to befriend your other toys, and who is better to start off with than Piggy?"

She cooed and set Piggy next to Gabi. She then took his hoof and set it in Gabi's palm so it looked like that the pig and doll were holding hands.

I have to admit. It was so darn precious!

We heard the doorbell ring.

"Jackson? Could you get that?" Kira called to me. "Your father and I are busy in the kitchen."

"Okay," I called back. I scooped up my baby sister, and she scooped up Piggy.

We made our way downstairs and to the front door. But before I could open the door, a loud boom was heard...

...from inside our house.

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