Chapter Twenty-Four

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Soon, all six of us were in my house. My best friend and I watched as my own mother scolded Gabi and Vincent.

Gabi Dollson and Vincent were sitting on the counter, their legs dangling over the edge. Their wooden heads were down, and they both had their wooden hands in their laps.

I was not sure whether they were ashamed or just pretending to be.

I was rocking my sister and looked down at her. Amy was cooing and kicking with those precious feet of hers. Earlier, she had been crying. Now, she was back to her cheerful and cute self.

Every ten seconds or so, I would gently massage her neck. I was worried about Amy. I mean, the crazy doll nearly chocked her!

"You two should be ashamed of yourselves," Mom said, shaking a finger at them. "I promised to give you a home and owners who loved you. And this is the thanks that I get?"

"Sorry..." the word escaped from Vincent's wooden mouth. It was the first time that my friend and I had heard him speak.

"Yeah. What he said," Gabi said. "We apologize for our 'rude' behavior."

Mom ran her fingers through her hair. "It was rude, Gabi. On second thought, it was more than rude. It was cruel, evil...and any other words that come close to those."

Gabi Dollson raised her head. To my surprise, she was tearing up.

Vincent lifted up his head as well, placed a wooden hand on his love's back, and rubbed it.

Why do I suddenly feel sorry for them?

"Donna, just fix me!" the doll proclaimed with anger. "You have the parts that I need. And I know what you are going to say. That I am better off without them." She stood up. "You are only saying that to keep me under your control!"

"That is not true," Mom denied.

"If you had fixed me, then I would not be going after your daughter! I would not want her voice box!"

"Toys and humans are created totally different. What makes you think that a human's voice box will work for you?"

The frustrated doll squinted at her. "It will work. I will make sure of it. I will make sure of it!"

Tears streaming down her wooden cheeks, she leaped off the counter and dashed off into the other room.

My mom facepalmed. "Oh, boy."

Vincent slid off the counter and onto the kitchen floor, and we followed Gabi.

When we entered the other room, we saw Gabi standing on the couch. She was holding something and showing it off to us.

"Donna! You will never believe what I found!" she said.

"You found a purse," Mom answered.

"That is Kira's purse," I informed everybody.

Gabi's cheeks changed to a shade of red. "Oh. I thought that it was Donna's." She covered her mouth. "That changes everything."

"What do you mean by that?" Milo asked.

"Just look inside." She opened the purse. "You will see."

Mom crossed her arms and shook her head. "We are not going through it. Especially if it is Kira's. It is someone else's."

Gabi pouted and tossed the purse to the floor.

The purse landed in front of me and Milo, and things spilled out of it. Makeup. Sunglasses.

And a bloody knife.

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