Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Holy jelly beans!" Milo reacted. "How the heck did she get there?!"

"It must have been because of my powers," Jade guessed correctly. "Her crib was spinning around with the other things, and she must have floated out of it. Gosh, how I despise my powers."

"Enough talk!" I exclaimed. "We need to move now!" I turned to Jade. "Jade, answer the door and tell Kira and my dad that I am not here."

"But you are here."

"Exactly, and we do not want them to know that."

"So you mean want me to lie?"

"Think of it this way, Jade. You would be saying this to a psycho woman and a man who does not care about me or Amy."

"Oh." She slowly nodded her head. "Okay..."

She rushed out of the room, and Milo and I could hear her footsteps going down the stairs. I faced my best friend.

"Get my sister! Now! Before she accidentally falls and possibly dies!"

"Why me? Why can you not do it?"

"I am not in the best condition to do so! I am shaking all over and have heart palpitations!"

"Okay, okay."

He pulled away from me, and I watched as he scurried up to the window and placed his hands on Amy's waist. He carefully lifted her off the ledge and moved her away from the window.

"There. I got her. Happy now?"

"Thrilled. You know, you are lucky that our writer did not write that Amy jumped out the window or fell off the ledge. My dad and Kira would have killed me. For Kira, that would be literally."

"What about Donna? Your biological mom?"

"Eh. She loves me too much to blame it on me. She would instead kill Kira and Dad."

"You do not mean that literally, do you?"

"What? Of course not! I know my mom better than anyone."

"Even your dad?"

"Yep. He is a jerk anyway for kicking Mom out of the house and forbidding me and Amy to see her."

"A jerk, am I?" a deep voice said.

I gulped, and Milo let out a whoosh of air.

"Dude, you are in trouble."

"We are in trouble!"

"Hey! Do not drag me into your family's problems!"

Dad was standing in the doorway. He was frowning and motioning for me and Milo to come out.

"You boys need to follow me to the kitchen," Dad said. "Kira and I have much to talk about, Jackson."

" I in trouble?" I managed to choke out.

He ignored my question and instead said, "Come on."

Milo and I glanced at each other before we obeyed him and followed him to the kitchen. My best friend insisted that we make an escape through the front door, but I told him that was a bad idea because my father was keeping a close eye on the two of us.

The three of us entered the kitchen. Kira and Jade stood next to each other and were chatting. Well, Kira was doing all the talking. Jade was silent and not making eye contact with her.

Kira saw me and Milo and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness that you boys are alright."

When Jade spotted us, she ran up to me and hugged me.

"I am sorry, Jackson," she whispered in my ear.

"What happened?" I whispered back. "Did you do what I told you to do?"

"Yes, I did. I was in front of the door and lied to it that you were not here. That was when the door swung open, and two adults forced their way into the house." She gripped the back of my shirt. "It was so scary."

"Uh, Jade? When I said to answer the door, I did not mean it literally."

Dad forced me and the girl to separate as he said, "What Kira and I have to discuss cannot wait any longer."

"Oh, really?" I responded. I clenched my hands into fists. "If you could not tell me whatever it is that you and Kira have kept from me, it can wait a while longer. Right now, I have some things to say."

"Jackson, your—"

"Let Jackson say what is on his mind, Bill," Kira encouraged Dad. "I would like to hear what he has to say."

"I have plenty of things to say," I stated. "For starters, Kira is a killer."

"Jackson!" Dad snapped.

Kira became shocked. "Jackson, I—"

"It makes sense. Stacy was murdered..."
At first, I was confused - and scared. Why were there cops at Mom's antique shop? Had she gotten into some trouble with the law?

My question was answered when I noticed something from the corner of my eye. I peered through the window...

...and saw a body. Lying on the floor inside the shop. The worst part was that I knew this person.

It was Mom's worker. Stacy.
"...and Mom, Milo, and I discovered the bloody knife that was in your purse."
Mom crossed her arms and shook her head. "We are not going through it. Especially if it is Kira's. It is someone else's."

Gabi pouted and tossed the purse to the floor.

The purse landed in front of me and Milo, and things spilled out of it. Makeup. Sunglasses.

And a bloody knife.
"Also, there were razor blades in my sandwich. It was in the same lunch bag that you gave me."
I took a look at my sandwich and noticed something gray sticking out of it. I figured that it was something minor, like a piece of wrapper.

I took off the bread that was top so I could remove the wrapper - and shrieked.

It was not a piece of wrapper. It was a razor blade. Actually, there were five.

Five sharp blades that were in my sandwich.
"So what do you have to say for yourself, Kira?"

Kira hesitated before saying, "I am your mother. Half of her. Donna and I are the same person."

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