Chapter Forty-One

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Hearing her say that sent a chill down my spine, and I do not know why. I shivered and hugged myself.

This might come as a shock to you, but I did not believe Dad and Kira's story. It sounded too good to be true, and that is because it was!

I mean, come on. If a family member of yours told you that he or she or another member had his or her personalities separated by some magical device, you would insist that was fake and that person needed help real fast.

That was me right now. I felt like gagging. Their disgusting story caused my stomach to churn. How could they lie to me like this? Well, I only expected lie after lie from Kira. But from my own dad? The man who loved Mom in the beginning and had two kids with her? What a sicko.

After surviving from having to listen to them, I would secretly get in contact with the police in the next town over. There is unfortunately no number to call the police officers because there is apparently no police in Forlot, but...I would find a way.

Milo and I would take my baby sister and run to the town next door! It was not that far from Forlot.

"Uh, miss?" Milo said. His voice cracked. "Care to explain what you mean by that? That it is not over yet?"

Amy was resting in my best friend's lap. She slid out of his lap and crawled over to Jade and into her lap. Jade smiled slightly and brushed the baby's little hairs.

Kira staggered to her feet and went up to a window. The window was big and wide, and she covered it with red curtains that were hanging by it.

"Is it not obvious?" she replied. "Bill and I wish that it was over so that we could all move on with our lives."

I am not sure why it took me this long, but I finally snapped. Like, I snapped. I leaped to my feet and let out my feelings in fits of rage.

"Oh my gosh! I am sick and tired of you two!" I pointed an accusing finger at them. First, at Kira. And then, at my father. "I am sick of your crub! I am sick of dealing with you both! I could - and probably would - throw up my digested food all over you!"

"Jackson!" Dad said sharply. "I did not raise you to talk like that."

"No, you did not...considering that Mom did all the raising!"

"Ooh!" Milo said. "Roasted!"

"J-Jackson..." Kira stuttered. "...p-please calm down. Do not be angry at me and your dad anymore. That is the last thing that either of us want from you."

I breathed through my nose like a mad bull. "You are right, Kira. What you really desire is to get rid of me!"

"What? No! I would never—"

"How stupid do you think that I am?! My biological mother raised me extremely well. She taught me the most important things in life and transformed me into the person that I am today. And if you really believe that I will take your absurd story seriously, you are so dang wrong!"

My stomach heaved as I waited for a response from her or Dad. From anybody!

Dad glanced up Kira. Her body shook, and there was fear in her eyes. She sniffed and teared up, and Dad rushed to her side, wrapped his arms around her, and comforted her.

" can our son not take our word, Bill?" Kira said just above a whisper. "I am the woman who taught him to be kind and loving. To help and cherish those who are around him. Why...why does he not cherish me?"

"Shh," Dad pulled her close to him and patted her back. He looked at me.

"Let me guess," I said to him. "You are furious at me."

He shook his head. "No."

I was a bit surprised by his answer. "Okay. Then you are disappointed."

"I am not disappointed in you either, Jackson. I am neither mad nor upset. I...understand you."

My eyes widened when he stated that. I assumed that he would yell back at me and send me to my room. Instead, he understood me?

"What do you mean by that? That you understand me, Dad?"

"Trust me, my son. If someone explained it all to me and I did not witness it, I would have instantly called him or her cuckoo." He pulled away from Kira and walked up to me. He rested his hands on my shoulders. "Jackson, you need to know how much Kira and I love you and care for your safety. If... if we did not come in time...both you and Amy...would have been dead. Probably bleeding on the floor. By Donna."

"!" I pushed him away. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Dude," Milo said. "Are you crying?"

"N-no. My eyes are watery. Duh."

"Jackson, it is alright to cry," Dad reassured me as he smoothed out the wrinkles in his shirt. "There is no shame in doing so."

"I know that, Dad! I know! Donna...I mean...Mom told me that! Ugh! I need to see her!"

I scooped up Little Amy, and Kira grasped my wrist.

"You are not going anywhere, young man."

"Watch me, you old woman!"

She gasped. "I am not old!"

Then I did something that I thought that I would never do. I smacked Kira across the face.

She cried out and stumbled back, releasing me in the process. I was already running with my baby sister out of the living room. Out of Mom's house and to the outside world. I could hear Kira pleading for me to come back.

"Jackson! Please! Do not go! She will murder you and Amy!"

I ignored her warning, and Amy and I proceeded on our quest.

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