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third person.

On a flight from England to Los Angeles, Julia was planning to audition for a place in a well known school of arts. The flight would be around 9 hours, but had already been delayed by 2 hours due to bad weather in London that had been going on for most of the day by now.

But for Julia, this meant she could be more prepared for the audition she'd soon be facing to get into the school. Having a whole song prepared and stuck in her mind, part of her still felt nervous and a sense of doubt came over her, some part of her almost telling her that she would never be able to get through.

Sitting on a chair waiting to be boarded, her laptop was open and placed in her lap on top of her crossed legs, re-watching the video of her singing again and again.

On top of her doubts, there seemed to be a lot of worry that was hidden in her mind. A worry that the plane would never take off, or crash mid-flight. This being the first time she had ever even stepped foot onto a plane, also travelling alone as her best friend, Anna, couldn't come with her until a few days after due to her school work, she knew this wasn't going to end well.

Just as she shut her laptop and packed it away in her backpack, her flight was finally ready to be boarded. Julia was one of the first in the queue just so she made sure she didn't miss her flight at all. Once her ticket had been checked, she hesitantly boarded the plane and took her seat in one of the very back rows.

She sat there by herself for a few minutes, getting anxious that maybe no one would sit next to her during the entire flight. It was a row that by the window that had three seats and she was placed in the middle of them all. Despite being half glad about this, she was also hoping to get the window seat so that if had made anything awkward at all she could easily look out the window.

"Excuse me, my seats there," Said a voice, knocking her out her thoughts as she moved out the way for the boy to get past.

The boy looked about her age, bleach blonde hair and bright blue eyes, wearing a fairly oversized hoodie and having one headphone in his ear and the other out, blasting some type of throwback song.

"You in a hurry somewhere..?" The girl asked him, to which he looked at her and shook his head, despite his face being red and sweat dripping down his face.

"No, are you nervous..?" The boy replied, noticing her hands slightly shaking and her breathing uneven.

Julia rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair, "Is it obvious?"

"Not too much," He smiled slightly, "Why are you nervous?"

"First time flying, audition when I get to L-"

"It's your first time flying? How old are you?" He asked, turning to face her properly.

"I'm 18, why?" Julia replied, furrowing her eyebrows and placing her phone in her lap, "I've never took a flight anywhere because i've never been outside my country, England."

He nodded, "What are you auditioning for?"

"This art school, i'm trying to get into some singing course."

"Wow, no way. I sing," The boy said, taking out his earphone and focusing more on the girl.

"Oh like a hobby?" Julia asked him, to which he paused for a few seconds before nodding at her with a slight smile on his face.

"Uh, yeah whenever I get the time really," He shrugged, "I'm Daniel by the way."

"I'm Julia," She smiled at him, receiving a smile back almost straight away.

"So, you're nervous? Would it help if you were sat by the window?" Daniel asked her, sounding a lot more concerned than before he knew her name.

"Uh, I mean maybe. If that's ok with you," The girl shrugged as he nodded, standing up so they could quickly swap seats before being asked to put their seatbelts on.

Soon, the plane had taken off, and Daniel was helping the girl calm down and not think too much about what could go wrong but focus on how cool is it being in the air.

"You know, looking at the clouds and just thinking of what they could he helps to ease the nervousness you might get," Daniel told Julia, pointing out the window at all the different shapes hidden within the clouds.

She nodded, looking out the window and telling the boy she had just met what types of things she was seeing, and she was surprised that it was helping her calm down and the boy was glad to have helped her.

And for the rest of the flight, they talked. After Julia had calmed down a bit from being on the flight, Daniel have her tips on how to improve her singing even more, but refused telling her where he got these tips from and simply saying he learnt this himself.

The conversations they had were random, a lot of them dragging on for about an hour or even more. Neither of them minded this, until Julia had fell asleep and had her head rested on the boys shoulder, he began to grow bored with having no one to talk to.

Even though they had just met, they already seemed to be inseparable, even if they knew this friendship would only last 9 hours.



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