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third person.

"You should sleep." Daniel said over facetime to Julia.

Daniel and his bandmates had landed in Asia for the first show of their tour around the continent, then heading to Australia before coming back in about a months time. Since he had landed about 3 hours ago, him and Julia had been on facetime whilst the rest of the band slept.

"You're the one who needs sleep, you need to go on stage in like an hour." Julia replied, smiling at him as she made yet another cup of coffee.

"I don't have time to rest now, but you do need sleep to go to class tomorrow." Daniel told her, placing his phone up against a wall as he styled his hair.

"Ok, I'll go to sleep after this cup of coffee. Make sure you rest after performing." She said to him, picking up her phone.

"I'll call you when I can, I love you." Daniel smiled, waving to the camera as the rest of the band started piling into the room he was in.

"I love you too." Julia smiled back at the facetime finally ended. She placed her phone back down and was about to take a sip of her coffee but a few knocks on the door stopped her.

At 1 in the morning, a knock of the door was very unusual and confused Julia, but out of curiously she went over to the door and opened it to Taylor with tears falling down her face.

"Are you ok?" Julia asked Taylor as she entered the apartment without being told to, "Why are you crying?"

"I came to speak to you, you made Anna move back to England." Taylor said, sitting down on a chair and wiping her eyes before the tears had suddenly stopped, "Which is really bitchy of you."

"If you're going to do this then you might as well just leave." Julia shrugged.

"You can't avoid the problem forever." The girl replied, giving a sarcastic smile to Julia.

"A problem you caused." Julia replied, tipping away the rest of her coffee and turning to face Taylor again.

"You know what, when Daniel finally realises what you're really like and will break up with you, don't come crawling back to me." Taylor got up, rolling her eyes and leaving Julia's apartment just as she slammed the door shut.

Julia knew she didn't do anything wrong and that it was mostly all Taylor's fault, but considering the fact that her and Anna's argument made Anna actually fly back to England, she still felt guilty and that made her believe Daniel might not want to be with her for much longer.

So instead of being in her apartment alone and going to sleep she told Daniel she would, she quickly changed and put on a jacket then left her apartment and called Hudson.

"It's nearly 2 in the morning can you call me back later, what the heck." Hudson said over the phone, sounding like he had just been woken up.

"I'm just calling you so I feel safer." Julia said, walking quickly along the sidewalk.

Hudson smiled slightly to himself, sitting up in his bed, "Why? Where are you?"

"I'm walking to the library. I need a place to like focus and I do actually need to start helping out with the song." She explained, quickly looking around at the almost empty street.

"Julia, it's so dangerous to be out by yourself at this time. How far are you from the library?" Hudson asked, putting his shoes on in case he was needed to make sure she got there safely.

"I can literally see the entrance from where I am, I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow?" She said, stopping outside the library as she said goodbye to him.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow. Be safe please." Hudson said, ending the call and going back to bed.

Julia walked into the library and took a seat at the table near the back of the place, taking out her laptop from her bag and her notebook and pen, opening up everything ready to focus and get at least some notes down for this song they had to write.

Her thoughts were currently all over her mind. Things about Taylor obviously being way too toxic and wondering whether or not her and Anna were actually going to talk again or even be friends. And also about Daniel because while she knew the stress was getting to her, she didn't want to let it affect him.

She knew he had his own things to worry about and so Julia didn't want to put the extra things on top of him that could make him be worried, and as she would usually tell Anna all her problems, Julia had no one to tell them to.

Of course she could tell Hudson, but being friends for such a short amount of time she didn't know how trustworthy he was. They considered each other basically best friends, but Anna had that certain level of trust that Julia wasn't willingly to give to anyone else.

Julia was missing her best friend, and somewhere on the other side of the world, she was hoping Anna was missing her too.

authors note

hM i wonder what's going to happen nExt

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