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third person.

"Try it." Hudson told Julia, who looked up at him not convinced that the cake he baked himself would taste good.

"You told me you burnt it, have you tasted it?" Julia asked him, as he shook his head but ripped the edge of the cake off and then split that small part in half.

"Ok, let's make a deal. I'll eat it if you eat it, or we can do it at the same time." He replied, holding his hand out for the girl sat opposite him to shake it, agreeing to the deal.

Julia hesitated for a second, before taking half of the piece and shaking Hudson's hand, both of them taking a bite at the same time. Hudson paused for a few seconds, before raising his eyebrows and taking another bite, looking at Julia who had already spat it out into the bin.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but never bake again." She laughed, sitting back down and opening her notebook.

"That's the rudest thing you've ever said to me," He sighed, placing his hand on his chest, "How would Daniel feel about this?"

"You think he would break up with me because of that comment?" She furrowed her eyebrows, writing a few things down before taking a sip of her drink.

"Break up with you? You're dating?" Hudson asked as Julia looked up at him smiling before nodding her head and looking around the classroom, "And you didn't tell me? I'm basically your best friend."

"Ok, first of all that's Anna, just so we're clear." Julia replied, holding her finger up, "Second, keep it on the down low because no one else is supposed to know."

He nodded, taking her notebook from her hand and reading it, going over the notes for their project, "When are we actually performing all this?"

"Tuesday, I think? So in about two days." The girl replied just before the class was dismissed and everyone began to pack away their things.

As the pair of them left the class and made their way to the exit of the building, they were discussing the final plans for their song, making sure that they both agreed on everything.

"Are you going back to England soon then? To visit family?" Hudson asked Julia, who shook her head and sighed slightly.

"I don't know exactly when I'll next see them, but it should be this month or next hopefully." She smiled, finally leaving the building and seeing Anna run over to the two of them.

"We're going to the Why Don't We household," Anna clapped, "I just realised I said that very formally to how I would normally say it and hi Hudson."

"Want to try the cake I baked?" He asked her, but before Anna could even answer Julia started laughing and begged her not to, "Julia just doesn't have good taste buds."

"I'll pass, but thanks for offering." She laughed back, taking a few steps back before looking at Julia, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later?" Julia turned to Hudson, who nodded and said his goodbyes before both girls headed over to Taylor's car and got into it.

With a short drive to the house, Taylor, Julia and Anna all arrived and went inside, being greeted by everyone sat around the fireplace, laughing away at something Jonah said.

Everyone briefly said hi to one another before the girls were quickly involved in the conversation that was happening. Julia took a seat by Daniel and Anna went to Zach, whilst Taylor sat beside the first person that came to mind, Jonah.

"Tell me that's not weird, imagine a guy coming up to you and saying that he'd love to see you dressed up as a school girl?" Christina said, laughing as she looked over at Gabbie, who seemed to be laughing just as much.

"People say that to you?" Anna asked, Julia and her glancing at each other before both of them looking at Christina and Gabbie, who both furrowed their eyebrows.

"What do they say in England?" Gabbie asked, only making the other two girls laugh and shake their heads.

"You won't understand it, it's a different kind of talk." Anna replied, looking at Julia, "Talk we don't even understand half the time."

"That's why we avoid boys from our country," Julia continued, resting her head on Daniels shoulder, "Much easier to just hop on a plane somewhere."

"I'm really thirsty." Taylor said, changing the subject completely as she received a small glare from Anna, "Can someone get me a drink?"

"And you cant get it yourself?" Anna replied.

"It's fine, I'll get her one." Daniel smiled slightly, standing up and going into the kitchen with Julia following behind him.

And so, Julia took a seat on a stool by the counter as she watched Daniel make Taylor a glass of water, before he turned around to face her.

"Taylor told the group that you're problematic." Daniel whispered, sitting down on the stool next to her, "I don't know why she said it but she did."

"Oh." She whispered back, looking at Daniel as the look of confusion grew on her face.

"I'll come back and explain more, wait there." The boy replied, going into the main room to give Taylor her water then coming back and sitting back down.

"I don't understand how I'm problematic." Julia sighed, facing away from Daniel.

"You're not. I promise you're not." He replied as he turned the stool so she'd be facing him again, before locking eye contact, "Maybe she is just trying to start an argument."

"But why would she do that?" The girl asked him, "Why would she just make up something?"

"Because she obviously has nothing better to do, trust me I get weird vibes from her and so do Anna and Zach." Daniel answered Julia, who nodded at him slowly, "Don't let it get to you."

She sighed but nodded, leaving the pair of them in a somewhat comfortable silence. Whilst gazing into each other's eyes, the two of them were slowly leaning forward towards each other. And before either of them knew it, their lips were gently pressed together into a soft kiss.

authors note

i didn't know how to end the chapter
any better than how it did, so hopefully
this is somewhat ok??

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