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third person.

After the long flight, the aircraft had finally landed.  With the pair being wide awake and ready to leave the plane, the were finishing off their final conversations with each other before going off separate ways.

"You're friend really broke a table?" Julia laughed, looking at the boy who laughed back and nodded.

"It's a long story but it's so hilarious," the boy replied, slowly stepping forward every time the queue to leave the plane moved, "My small group have some really fun times actually."

"And it's all just a friend group? It honestly sounds like you do something together for a living or something. I mean, you travel together, go to award shows with them, you know?" She shrugged, and Daniel quickly looked away from her.

Truth was, he didn't want to tell the girl he was part of a band. Having fear that she'd see him differently and someone who had fame and wealth, rather than someone who could treat her well or help her through tough times.

He quickly nodded and hesitantly replied to her, "It's all just a friend group."

Julia smiled, getting off the plane the same time as him and walking side by side with him, "That's so cool, I have a friend called Anna and she's the best person I know. But, she couldn't come on the plane with me to support me, so really I should be thanking you."

"Thanking me?" Daniel asked, confused at why the girl seemed so grateful for a small act of kindness he had done.

"Yeah, I probably wouldn't have been so relaxed on this flight if it wasn't for you, so thank you," The girl looked at him, giving him a soft smile as he returned it, meeting her eyes for a few seconds before looking around the airport.

The two of them kept a small conversation going, Daniel had given her countless tips on singing and how to be less nervous while auditioning for the school she was hoping to get into. While she was asleep during the flight, he wrote a list of tips on a piece of paper he had and put it into a small section of her backpack, ready for when she needed it.

"Are you friends meeting you here?" Julia continued, waiting by the conveyer belt for her luggage, "Or did you travel to see family?"

"Oh, I missed my previous flight which had all my friends on it, so I just got the next flight here and they said they'd pick me up outside the airport." He said, closely observing the belt not wanting to miss his luggage, "Are you meeting anyone?"

"I'm actually staying at my friends house, I met her online and we've known each other several years. So she offered me somewhere to stay because she told me LA is apparently somewhat dangerous," The girl shrugged, picking up her suitcase and placing it on the group, "She's probably waiting outside."

"Is this the first time you're meeting her?" Daniel asked, a sense of worry quickly washing over his face, having experience of how dangerous LA could be and how  people are not what they seem.

Julia nodded slowly, reaching for her phone in the pocket of her hoodie and pulling it out, "We've literally face-timed countless times, I trust her, it's okay."

The young boy nodded, spotting his suitcase and taking it off the belt then placing it on the ground before sighing and looking at the girl he met only 10 hours ago.

With their suitcases both by their side, the pair stood in silence. A comfortable silence, the type where you knew what you wanted to say, but not quite wanting to say it, as a fear of never seeing the other again.

"I guess I'll see you around?" Daniel sighed whilst Julia nodded, looking down at the floor then back up at the boy.

Then, without any warning, Daniel wrapped his arms around the girl, giving her a hug before wishing her luck with her audition. After that, they exchanged goodbyes and the boy walked off, soon meeting with the other four boys he had been talking about the whole flight.

And Julia, she slowly dragged herself out the airport, meeting her friend of several years, Taylor. What the girl didn't know, was that he had put a photo of his phone number into her camera roll, waiting for a text message from the girl, if he ever did get one.

Or if she ever found the photo.



this was a bit CraPpy i'm sorry
but lol hi 

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