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third person.

Julia finally walked into class that Monday morning, ready to start the week off on a good note by seeing Hudson and then finishing Monday with seeing Daniel.

She took a seat beside her friend and sighed, before placing her head on the table, which Hudson soon caught notice of.

"You ok?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows and placing his pen down.

"I guess so," She replied, not lifting her head off from where she placed it.

"You seem sort of sad." He commented, tilting his head and lifting her head up so they were looking at each other, "You can talk to me if you need to."

She sat up, staring at the floor for a few seconds before rubbing the back of her neck, "I miss Anna."

"And it's not like I just miss her because i'm lonely, I miss having someone to laugh with at the end of a rough day. But now she's not there, I always feel down and not content." Julia continued with Hudson beside her listening closely to every word.

"And I hate all this attention I suddenly get from all these fanpages. I suddenly do something or one thing happens and it's everywhere for everyone to see and I really hate it." She said, sighing and putting her head back on the table, "I am sad."

"You're sad?" He said, taking a sip of his drink.

"I can never do anything right." Julia shrugged, "I feel like I'm letting Daniel down."

"Why would you think that? You're literally his entire world." Hudson told her, a wave of jealously somewhat running through him as he tried to get the last words of his sentence out, "He loves you."

"I know, but sometimes I feel like I'm not being supportive or not being the best girlfriend i can be." She rolled her eyes slightly, giving Hudson a small smile as she opened her notebook up, "I just want to go home."

The boy couldn't help but sigh and look at the girl sat beside him, who looked as if she had roughly four hours of sleep and was currently running off coffee to stay awake.

"Go home," He said, taking her notebook away from her, "And actually sleep."

"I can't let you do the whole song by yourself," Julia replied, taking her notebook back, "We got this."

"Julia." Hudson said, "You're not ok."

"And how would you know that?" She asked, looking at him as he raised his eyebrows.

"Because I know you," He shrugged, "Usually you're a lot more cheery and up for making endless jokes, but today you're just emotionless."

"I'm ok, I promise." She smiled at him, just as the bell to the school went to indicate that class was already over.

"Whatever you say." Hudson sighed, his shoulders falling slightly as he got up from his chair and threw his bag on his shoulder, "You up for lunch? I'll pay."

She nodded, throwing her bag on her shoulder too as the pair of them left the classroom, heading towards his car to drive to the nearest restaurant.

They stopped by a small little cafe that seemed to be very unpopular as it was sat on the corner of a busy street, basically untouched by the public. Hudson and Julia walked into a took a seat at a table near the back corner and then as the waitress came over, they ordered some food and sat in silence.

"LA isn't what I expected it to be." Julia spoke up, sighing, "I thought it'd be all sunshine and rainbows but so far it's just knocked me off my damn feet."

"Ok you lost a couple friends, so what? Clearly that just shows how much of a real friend they were because they left you when you found someone that made you happy, it's their loss not yours." Hudson said, his arms resting on the table as he looked her, "I'm still your friend."

"And I appreciate that, a lot." She replied, "But Anna and I had never fallen out before a few days ago, and I'm to blame."

"You're to blame for it? Are you forgetting Taylor exists?" Hudson furrowed his eyebrows, "Julia, Taylor has been out to ruin you since the start."

"No! You're all just seeing the bad in her."

"Where is the good? We're all trying to look out for you." He shrugged, placing his head in his hands, "Please."

Julia hated seeing Hudson stressed or upset in any way, especially if it was something she had done to make him feel that way. So, she sighed and placed her hand on top of his, "Fine, I'll talk to her about it."

"Thank you very much," He smiled slightly at her as their food arrived, quickly tucking in to eat it before finishing their conversation.

After lunch was finished, Hudson dropped Julia off at her apartment again and headed back to his place, he had felt a little jealous but not too the point where it was obvious, he was more happy for her than anything that Daniel was so caring to her but part of him had wished he could do something to help too.

But he wouldn't ever tell anyone the way he feels towards his partner for the project.

authors note

ok so this book will possibly have a sequel
if i can find the notes i had for it but
i also may have two new books coming out
within the next few days so i'll inform you
when they are published :)))

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