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third person.

Julia didn't mention what Taylor had told her, she let it brush off her shoulder regardless of how much she trusted her, she knew deep down Daniel had good intentions and it was clear that the rest of his friend group did too.

After a good few hours of searching for many outfits, the group decided to take a break and sit down and eat whilst also getting to know each other a bit better. Taylor went home to finish an essay that was needed to be turned in to her college, so she didn't join them for lunch.

"America is so different than England." Anna said, taking a sip of her milkshake.

"Well no shit, it's a completely different continent," Jack replied, rolling his eyes but smiling slightly afterwards.

"It's a completely different continent," Anna mocked him, "I know that, but America and England are still slightly similar."

"Well, not exactly." Daniel added in, putting down his drink of the table, "There's a lot of differences."

"Such as?" Julia asked him, crossing her legs and giving him a small smile.

Daniel laughed slightly, waiting for someone to hopefully answer the question before him as he himself had no idea what to say that. They all knew America and England were different but pointing out specifics seemed to be almost impossible for them.

"Anyway," Jonah interrupted him, looking at the two girls, "We are intrigued, tell us more about yourselves."

"I vote Anna goes first." Corbyn said, raising his hand up and looking at Anna, "Zach is staring at you and I think he wants to know you better."

"But Daniel is staring at Julia?" Jack said, the whole group now turning their attention to Daniel, who blushed and shook his head quickly.

"It's ok, i'll go first," Anna begun, making Julia feel less awkward from everyone calling out Daniel, "I'm Anna as you know, i'm British and I daydream a lot. Also, I like horses."

"Were you like a horse girl in school?" Jack asked, obviously trying to make a joke out of her liking for horses, "Did you neigh and hiss at people?"

"No? I dropped out, I told you that." Anna rolled her eyes, giving a high five to Zach as both of them had dropped out and knew that neither of them were no longer the left out ones of the group.

"So Julia, what about you?" Daniel asked, giving her a small geniune smile as she smiled back.

"Well, i'm also British and it's much better than America even with all the bad weather we get and I miss my cats." Julia said, just then realising how much she did miss her home country and how wanting to get in this school could now be a bad idea.

There was silence for a few seconds, Julia had lowered her head a little bit and seemed to be a bit in her thoughts. Anna was daydreaming about the food she was missing back in England and what restaurant she'd go to once they both return there in a few days.

"So, Julia." Corbyn said, stopping the slightly awkward silence and looking over at the girl who had now lifted her head to look back at him, "When do you find out if you got into that school or not?"

"Well Anna and I are going back to England in about two days and I should find out next Thursday." Julia answered him then out of the corner of her eye seeing Daniel sit up and look at her.

"You're leaving in two days? You've only been here for about 3 or 4 days?" He sighed.

She nodded slowly, feeling slightly bad about leaving so soon but she didn't want to bother Taylor by staying at hers too long and didn't want to spend so much money on hotels if it wasn't worth it, so going back felt easiest for everyone as at the time she had no idea she'd meet Daniel.

The rest of the boys didn't seem too bothered, of course they were upset, but not knowing either of the girls too long they didn't seem to be wanting them to stay for their own intentions. Although they didn't seem too upset, they felt bad for the both of them after realising they had obviously wanted to grow closer.

After finishing up their conversations and finishing. a days worth of shopping, the group exchanged their goodbyes outside the mall for what they thought would be the last time forever or for at least a whole from now.

Everyone had exchanged numbers with each other in hopes that Zach would make the group chat he had been begging people to be a part of since they arrived at the mall.

Daniel pulled Julia to the side out of the way of everybody else, he didn't want this to be the last time he'd see her if they had already got along so well.

"Are you going to come back to LA?" Daniel asked her, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands and sighing slightly.

"If I get into the school, then yes, I'm going to get an apartment and Anna will either come live with me or she'll visit. But If I don't get in which is a big possibility, I'll try visit as often as I can." Julia assured him.

"Promise you'll text me?" He asked, smiling at her.

"Yes, I promise."

The pair exchanged a long tight hug before saying saying bye and parting ways, Anna and Julia headed back to Taylor's apartment and the boys headed back to their home, everyone not knowing what to talk about without the others.

This time Julia was a lot more desperate to get into the school for her course so that she could see Daniel as often as she wanted, and Anna seemed just as desperate as her.


hi i just wanna say ty
for all the support on my book <3

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