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zach just told me what happened

about the daniel thing?

yeah :(
are you ok?

idk but it's fine
he didn't cheat intentionally

he did it wasn't a mistake

no but i mean like it was caused by a
misunderstanding of what happened with
me and hudson

did you cheat on daniel with hudson?

no but taylor told him that i did

please unfriend her
i did it and ill get the boys to do it

i will
anyways i'm coming back to england
so i won't even see her

why are you coming back to england?

well to see you and family and
because i dropped out of the school
so the only person i really know anymore
is hudson whereas at home we have our
old friend group

julia it's toxic
they'll use you for getting clout

well i'm not famous so i don't understand
what they're gonna get out of me

more followers

once the fandom know we broke up
they'll unfollow me anyway
and i'll be back to normal regular julia

i don't want that

you don't?

no because you're way happier when
you're around daniel, he brings out
a whole better you

but before i even knew daniel i was happy

ok but i've never seen you THAT happy
do you love daniel

yes i do

would you get back with him

i don't know


he cheated
idk if i can trust him if he doesn't trust me

you just need to work on communication

i guess so
anyways i need to take a nap before
my flight
see you at the airport?

i'll bring your favourite sweets

wow i do not deserve you
i'll tell you all the flight details when
i wake up

i'll be waiting :)
now go to sleep i love you

i love you too wife

ugh wife you treat me well



england is my city


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