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third person.

With all the details sorted for their little meet up in LA, Julia had decided that Anna and Taylor would join her. Even though she had previously met the guy on the flight and had used him as a head rest, she was still slightly nervous.

Taylor had been least nervous of them all, hiding the fact that she had already briefly met all of them and has been a close friend of Daniel's for a few years now. Anna was slightly nervous but being someone who could easily remain clam, she didn't see it as that big of a deal, especially since Julia had already met one of the five.

All of them had arranged to meet outside a mall as the boys were wanting to look for new outfits for an upcoming event they had to attend to.

Daniel and the boys were already running late. Zach had overslept and pushed the boys back at least half an hour and was taking his time getting ready.

"Right, sorry i'm here we can leave now." Zach said, rushing down the stairs and sliding his shoes on, looking up at the rest of the group who must've been ready for at least 20 minutes.

As the group started to make their way towards the mall, Jonah couldn't help but point out the fact that Daniel seemed to be quieter than usual and more nervous than when it announced it to all of them.

"You seem tense, Daniel." Jonah said to him, making him jump a little bit and shrug but also nod slowly.

"Can no one mention that we're in a band, she doesn't know yet and for now i'd like to keep it that way," Daniel sighed, looking around the group for reassurance that not a word about it would even be said.

The boys didn't seem to ask any questions about it despite how much they were wanting to. Instead they all nodded and moved on to a different topic that would keep them busy for the rest of the journey.

Julia, Anna and Taylor all arrived only a few minutes before the boys. Taylor had stayed outside whilst the other two went inside to get drinks for the three of them.

"I just have to say that you didn't think this one through, you're basically celebrities." Taylor said, folding her arms and looking at Daniel, "People will notice you."

"Actually, we're not quite celebs yet but I know we have a lot more followers on instagram than you so I can see why you think that," Jack corrected her, raising his eyebrows at her, "But besides the point, we'll just be extra careful."

"You have a high school drop out in your band, being careful is not something you can just master with him by your side." The girl replied back, earning a small side eye from Zach as he said something under his breath and headed inside to find the other two girls.

"Nice to see you too, Taylor." Jonah laughed slightly, following Zach into the mall.

As the six of them walked into the building, Julia and Anna were walking over to the group of them. Julia and Daniel had spotted each other straight away and flashed a quick smile to each other whilst Anna gave Taylor the drink they had bought for her.

"Hey." Daniel said to the girl, pulling her in for a quick hug.

"Hey." Julia replied, smiling at him before looking at the rest of the boys, "Which one is the dropout then?"

"Oh really that's what i'm known as?" Zach threw his hands in the air, rolling his eyes but giving Julia a small wave, "I'm Zach, apparently the dropout."

"It's ok, we're dropouts together," Anna replied, smiling at Zach as he smiled back at her.

"That's already two dumb people in the group." Taylor commented, walking ahead of the group as they quickly followed behind, "Oh, i've got to introduce myself. I'm Taylor."

"We already kn- ouch." Jack said before being cut off by Daniel slapping his arm quickly.

The rest of the boys introduced themselves to Julia and Anna, Taylor was already looking around stores as she had only come because she needed someone to go shopping with, but had limited options.

Anna had been occupied by Zach and Jack most of the time, mainly the two of them annoying her and trying to trip her up but failing and tripping each other up instead of the main target.

Jonah was mostly going round every store choosing out stupid outfits for Corbyn to try on in the dressing room and vice versa, then both of them taking photos of it and posting it on social media.

"So, are you going back to England? Or staying here for a while?" Daniel asked Julia whilst they were both walking around stores together and looking at various types of clothes.

"I might stay here for a few weeks then go back to visit my family whilst I wait for results on my audition." She replied, pulling the sleeves of her sweater over her hands.

"Julia, can I speak to you for a second?" Taylor asked her and when she nodded, they both went over to the corner of the store to have their private conversation.

As Taylor knew much more about Daniel than Julia did, she began to warn her about what would happen if they continued hanging out, speaking of all the consequences that were hardly even possible but still freaked Julia out.

Which is why Taylor had told her about them.


yo like double update
also hMmMm this chapter slightly
is not my cup of tea
aLSO maybe new book out tomorrow
ALSO ily ok bye

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