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juliaevans: in this village we pull
almost all-nighters

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username: i am waiting for daniels

username: she genuinely looks so happy
and that makes me happy
juliaevans: i am super happy

annaspencers: she is gorgeous wow
↳ username: i want a best friend like anna

anna.seavey: you're so beautiful!!
↳ username: has she already met the family?
↳ username: i don't think she has yet but i
bet daniels talked about her

username: awhh daniels sister is commenting

seaveydaniel: you're so perfect i'm so lucky
↳ username: brb crying
↳ username: omg #dalia

hudsonbaker: if u don't come back to
school soon i will lose my mind
↳ username: hold up who is this-
juliaevans: four more daysss

username: literally go back to england and
stay there no one wants you in america


third person.

"Is everyone on the bus?" Jon asked as he scanned the inside of the bus, seeing everyone except Daniel and Julia, "Has anyone seen the two love birds?"

"Zach and Anna?" Corbyn asked, looking over at the two of them as he was given a glare from Zach back.

Jon shook his head, smiling slightly as Daniel and Julia then came onto the bus, laughing so hard their faces were both turning a light shade of red.

Julia had a cup of iced coffee and Daniel had a cup of Apple juice, which they had both gotten from the hotel before getting onto the bus.

Anna could not help but be jealous. Be jealous that for once in the past six years of knowing her best friend, there was someone else who was getting the same, or even more, time put into their bond.

Of course she was happy for her, but now with someone else who was close to sharing the bond she had with Julia, it worried her that she could be replaced and forgotten about.

She had already previously talked to Zach about this situation, and he gave her the advice to give it a few weeks because of how new their relationship is, so once they get over the 'attached' phase as he called it, Julia would have a lot more time for her.

On top of that small worry, she was also scared that Julia had not forgotten about the night Anna forgot about their plans, and this was her way of getting back at her. But Anna knew her best friend well, and getting back at someone after they were forgiven was not something she was likely to do.

"We went to this store that her aunt and uncle own and they sell the best ice cream there it was amazing." Daniel said, telling the group about the sort of date they had together last night.

"You were also amazed by the fish tank at the back of the store, so then we sat there naming each fish and logging it into my phone." Julia laughed, her head rested on Daniel's shoulder.

"Sounds like you had fun." Anna said, trying her best to show a half smile before turning her face back to her phone.

"Yeah," Daniel smiled, taming a dip of his apple juice before stsnding up, "I'm going to go take a nap, are you coming Juls?"

"Yes I am, Seavey." Julia said, standing up and following Daniel towards the back of the bus.

"They're obviously in love." Jack said, raising his eyebrows as the rest of the band nodded, "Who spends all night naming fish and eating ice cream? Couples that are in love."

"Good for them." Anna said, keeping her eyes glued to her phone as the group turned to look at her. She looked up, furrowing her eyebrows, "What?"

"Someone sounds jealous." Jonah laughed slightly.

"I never get jealous, I have nothing to be jealous about." Anna replied, placing her phone down as the boys were all in disbelief, "Ok, maybe a little, but I haven't spent any time with her for days."

"It's a new couple thing, Gabriela and I were like that but trust me they'll need time apart soon." Jack explained, nodding and sorting out the hat on his head.

Anna shrugged, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms as her eyes were focused on the table, "Spending time with all of you is great but seeing Julia for even an hour every once in a while helps."

"All will work out." Zach said, smiling softly at her as she looked up at him and gave him a soft smile back.

authors note

this is sort of a filler chapter but also
v important so take note that she feels jealous

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