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third person.

Having spent hardly any time together alone since they had known each other, Daniel and Julia were spending their day in Ikea buying things for her apartment that she'd be staying in whilst in LA.

It was around 11am and the pair were inside a coffee shop, getting a drink before actually heading to Ikea.

"You don't want coffee?" Julia asked Daniel, watching him pick up a bottle of apple juice from the cold drinks section.

"Apple juice is the superior drink," Daniel shrugged and smirked slightly, placing it on the counter, "It really gets you through the day."

"So does coffee, what's your point?" Julia replied, crossing her arms as Daniel gave that look of defeat before paying for the drinks, "I said I was paying."

"Yes but because of that comeback against my religion of apple juice, I paid." Daniel took his bottle of juice and nodded his head over in the direction to the door of the store before beginning to walk over there.

The girl huffed, taking her coffee cup off the counter and following him outside and over to his car, where they quickly got in and she plugged in her phone, pressing shuffle on her music playlist.

The car ride was shorter than expected, LA traffic being a lot lighter than usual. Once they had parked, the two of them headed inside Ikea and began their day of shopping for Julia's apartment.

"Do you have a theme for your apartment?" Daniel asked, looking around the first section of the store they walked into.

"Maybe." Julia shrugged, following slowly behind him, "I think I want to keep it white and grey with a hint of colour if that makes any sense."

"Yeah it makes sense," Daniel laughed slightly, "After we finish doing this can we go somewhere to eat? Like a restaurant or something?"

"Have you got somewhere in mind?" Julia asked.

"I have a few options, yes." The boy replied, before beginning to help the girl with shopping for her apartment.

The pair of them began their journey around Ikea, carefully planning out Julia's apartment as they decided on each piece of furniture she had grown a liking to.

And after making puns at almost every furniture name there was, by the time they had reached the end of the store both of them were in a small amount of pain from the amount of laughing that went on.

Finding everything she wanted was easier than expected, seeing as it didn't take much for her to decide on what she wanted they were done within a few hours.

"What time is it?" Julia asked Daniel, looking up at him as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"3pm, we could go get lunch if you want." Daniel said, getting a nod from Julia as they both got back into his car and drove to a nearby restaurant they had both agreed to go to.

"I haven't heard you sing yet," Julia told Daniel, smiling as she looked at him, "I think you should."

"When I have my guitar with me then I will, but I also haven't heard you sing properly either," He replied, smiling back but keeping his eyes on the road.

"Once you sing for me i'll sing for you." She shrugged, both of them laughing slightly.

For a few seconds after that, Julia had found herself still looking at him. Until he had glanced over at her, which was when she had looked away and focused on what was outside the window on her side of the car, blushing a little.


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juliaevans: *insert some one direction song
lyric about love here*

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username: caption = mood

username: interesting caption, might as
well @ the guy next time

annaspencers: WHAT FACETIME ME

username: ^ oh

annaspencers: WAIT WE'RE IN THE

imdanielseavey: ok a) pic creds?
b) @ me next time

username: ngl she deserves all happiness idc
what anyone says

username: is this about THE DANIEL SEAVEY

wdwteaupdates: how much we gonna
bet the caption is about @seaveydaniel

imzachherron: love the trees, so cute.

jackaverymusic: honestly that lAke behind you, extraordinary, love it. please include that in
future photos.

username: i'm honestly so confused who is she
and why do the wdw fam love her so much?


i should be doing homework rn fun fact

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