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third person.

"Where are we going?" Julia asked Daniel, a blindfold over her eyes as he was guiding her down a path.

"I told you, its a surprise." He said. holding onto her arm, "A good surprise."

"I'm not a fan of surprises, Seavey." She smiled, hearing Daniel laugh slightly as a door was opened and they were both hit with a wave of warm air.

"Do you want to take any guesses of where we are first?" He asked, wrapping his arm around her as she showed a small smile on her face.

"Are we at the zoo?" Julia tilted her head, fiddling with the ring on her finger.

"Nope, guess again."

"Are we going to see a movie?"

"Not even close."

"I'm not good at guessinggg, please tell me." She said, her bottom lip sticking out slightly as Daniel laughed softly before taking off her blindfold, revealing a place filled with cats.

Julia's jaw almost dropped, a grin appearing on her face as she took a good look around the room, admiring each cat that seemed to be having the time of their lives.

"They're all so cute." She said, walking over to a group of kittens and petting each of them.

"Do you guys need help with anything today?" A worker came over to them, a smile on her face as she looked between Julia and Daniel.

"Oh, we're just lookin-"

"Yeah, we're looking to adopt a cat." Daniel said, the worker nodding and smiling, using her hand to indicate to follow her.

Julia looked over at Daniel confused, both of them following behind the worker as the boy kept a smile on his face, the girl furrowed her eyebrows before they were both taken into a separate room with a lot more cats available to see.

"These cats are all currently old enough to go home with a family. Some may require a lot more care than others but i'm sure that can be discussed." The worker explained, allowing the cats in the room to explore their surroundings.

"Adopting a cat?" Julia whispered to Daniel whilst the girl who was helping them wasn't paying attention to their conversation.

He shrugged, smiling at her, "Surprise?"

"Oh my god." Julia stood still, unable to get out any words or ways to express her happiness for that moment. Before she could get anything else out, the worker came back over with a list of cats, ready for the couple to pick out the right one.

First they looked around for a few minutes, admiring each cat and how they all had their small little personality traits that made them so special, each cat made it more and more tempting to help each and every one of them out.

Until they came to the final few they hadn't yet looked at and stopped by a small little ginger cat who had a patch of white on his stomach.

It came running over to the pair of them, forming an almost instant connection as it met its head with Julia's hand. 

"That's Ginger. A little kid named him that and it sort of stuck to him, we all think it suits him very well." The worker explained, smiling as Julia was sat on the floor stroking him.

"Is it ok if I pick Ginger up?" Julia asked as the girl nodded and so she picked up the cat and placed him in her lap, where he got comfortable and laid down straight away, purring loudly.

"He's less than a year old, we found him in a box outside an apartment complex and took him in, he's a super happy cat."

Daniel nodded, taking in most of the information so Julia wouldn't have to worry about not knowing anything later because of how focused she was on the cat.

The boy sat down beside Julia, "I think you need this cat."

"Its not just any cat, he's called Ginger." Julia corrected him, giving him a small smile before facing the cat again, "I have become attached already."

"Let's adopt him."

"Wait, you were serious?" Julia asked, turning to face him as she tried to contain her excitement once Daniel nodded, "We have no time for it and how can we share a cat because we can't cut it in half."

"Relax Juls," He laughed, kissing her cheek, "I thought it all through. I had this planned since before we even started dating."

Once everything was sorted between the couple and adopting a cat, they got into the car as Julia cage that the cat was safely in on her lap before they made the drive back to Daniel's place.

"Are you sure? This is a big responsibility."

"Its a cat, not a child." Daniel said, smiling at her.

"What, this is my child now I hope you know that. Ginger is my first and favourite son." Julia explained, smiling at the small little cat through the cage doors, "He's so cute."

"I feel slightly jealous."

"Don't be jealous, I love you just as much." She said as Daniel's face shot towards her with his mouth slightly open.

"What'd you say?" He asked, glancing at the road to avoid accidents, "Just now, can you repeat it?"

"Don't be jealous because I love you just as much," Julia said slowly, then realising just what she had said as she covered her mouth for a split second, "Well, this is going to be awkward if you don't feel the same."

"No no, I love you too." Daniel smiled, "So much."

authors note

well well well
v cute
also thoughts on a sequel?

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