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julia's pov.

Walking into that school full of people I didn't know was stressful, it seemed a whole lot more bigger than ones I had seen in England and I felt almost like the odd one out knowing I wasn't from America.

A lot of other students here were probably from a handful of different countries too, but the majority had to be from around here, and a lot of them seemed to already be a part of little friendship groups.

As I walked into the only class I'd be taking this year, I took a seat at the very back of the room, hoping to avoid any human interaction no matter how much I wanted to socialise.

"Do you mind if I sit here? I don't really like people and you seem like the only likeable person." A voice said, already taking a seat in the chair next to me.

"Sure, go for it." I shrugged, leaning back in my chair as I waited for class to start, texting Daniel and Anna as I did so.

Whilst waiting, out the corner of my eye I couldn't help but notice the guy who had sat next to me was blatantly staring at me, with a confused look across his face.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, looking at him.

"I don't know actually, I think I am but then sometimes I don't feel okay and it triggers my break-"

"I meant because you were like staring at me," I interrupted him, making the conversation between us slightly awkward.

"Oh." He replied, letting his shoulders fall slightly, "Yeah, I just zoned out and didn't want to zone back in."

"You remind me of my best friend," I smiled, holding my hand out, "I'm Julia."

"Hudson." He smiled slightly back, shaking my hand and crossing his legs and sighing, "Do you ever feel a breakdown coming? Because I've got that right now."

"If we have to write a song together do you think we could work together? I know no one and you seem like the only at least half nice person here." Hudson continued, not giving me a chance to speak about anything, "Aren't time zones here so different to Australia?"

I laughed, nodding my head and watching the teacher as he walked into the room, the whole class quickly becoming silent.

"Alright, I'm Mr Keith, you can call me Tim, Sir, I don't know whatever floats your boat." He began, walking slowly around the class, "For the first part of the year you'll be recording covers of a song, either in pairs or alone, just so I can get a gist of your singing. Then, you'll be writing songs and performing them."

Hudson and I looked at each other, giving each other the look of wanting to work together seeing as we were the only people we knew in the class and everyone else seemed to be further away than us.

After the teacher had finished talking and we got to starting our project for this term, Hudson and I were quickly in a deep conversation about which song to sing and who sings what part.

"Why are you getting stared at so much?" He asked quietly, slightly laughing as I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around the room, noticing that some people were glancing at me and then whispering.

I tried to ignore it and continue with the project but as soon as I felt someone tap my shoulder I immediately turned around to see a girl standing there, then taking a seat next to me.

"I don't want to make this sound creepy but are you Julia Evans by any chance?" The girl asked me, I hesitantly nodded and tilted my head slightly, "So you know Why Don't We?"

"I guess you could say that." I replied, scratching the back of my neck and awkwardly laughing.

"Could you tell Zach that I absolutely love him and if he needs a girlfriend then I'm here and this is my instagram," She said, handing me a note that had an instagram username written on it, "And tell Daniel that he's got a great girlfriend, you're like really pretty."

"Uh actually we aren't dat-," I said but before I could even finish my sentence she had walked away, and so I turned back to Hudson as he was looking confused.

I sighed, knowing I'd have to explain to Hudson about the whole situation I'm on about not supposed to be knowing about the band but knowing anyway. Waiting around for Daniel to finally tell me is taking too long and I'm sure soon I'll just blurt it out instead of trying to hide it.



yikes ok let's forget this
chapter happened wow

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