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third person.

"Going on tour with your best friends is probably my favourite part of the band, you meet everyone who supports you and you get to make all these fun memories with people you consider family." Daniel said, walking along a path with Julia by his side, who was very content with hearing Daniel go on about the band.

"It sounds really fun, Anna and I had our small kind of group in England but we never really did anything together." Julia replied, trying to catch up with how fast of a walker Daniel was.

"Well, now you've got a big group who like to do a lot of things, such as parties." He smiled, looking at her as she smiled back.

Daniel hadn't been too nervous about asking Julia to be his girlfriend, since they both knew that the other liked them, it wasn't too difficult to assume what the girl beside him would say.

With their hands slightly brushing against the others as they walked, the pair of them sat down on a bench that faced the sunset, Julia had her camera ready for the sunset as Daniel had picked almost the perfect location for it.

"So, about our conversation the other night." Daniel said, breaking the silence between the two of them and sighing slightly.

"You said you wanted to think about things?" Julia replied, keeping her eyes on the sunset but knowing exactly what he was talking about as she tried not to zone out.

"Yeah I did, just about how if anything happened between us, what would happen with the band and fans." He shrugged, looking over at her and watching her watch the sunset, smiling slightly.

"If anything happened?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows and looking over at him, a smile showing across her face, "Are you wanting to ask me something?"

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" Daniel said, both of them holding eye contact as the girl who was sat beside him slowly smiled, it quickly turning into a grin.

"I'd love to." She replied, blushing and quickly facing back towards the sunset, turning on her camera and taking a quick polaroid of it, "But, what about your band? And your fans?"

"We don't have to tell anyone straight away. I'm sure Anna and the boys would love to know, but the fans can be a bit..protective sometimes, so we don't have to tell them straight away." He explained, looking down at his lap as he sighed, Julia quickly grabbing a hold of his hand.

"I've seen the posts I get tagged in, your fans are literally detectives." Julia laughed, leaning on Daniel and continuing to watch the sunset in front of them, "I'm fine with whatever you want to do, their your fans, you know them better than I know them."

He nodded, resting his head on top of hers and the sun was slowly but surely setting as the day came to an end. Julia ended up taking a few more polaroid's of it and got a few photos of Daniel too, ones that he was surely going to use for his instagram.

With the sun fully set, the two of them headed back to the main house that everyone was already at, all sat around each other watching a movie, half of them asleep and half of them wide awake.

And as they both wanted to avoid any other conversations for the night, they headed upstairs to one of them spare rooms and sat down on the bed together, the room which so happened to have a few instruments in it.

"Can you play guitar?" Julia asked Daniel, as he nodded and grabbed the guitar before sitting down on the bed beside her.

"I can play a lot of instruments." He said, looking down at the guitar then back at her, "Do you play guitar?"

"I'm the most untalented person you'll ever meet." Julia laughed, shrugging and shaking her head.

"Well, you're not Zach." He smiled, both of them beginning to laugh as the night carried on.

By the time it got to midnight, Julia and Daniel were in the kitchen, a tub of ice cream shared between them as they were talking about their families, what they're like and funny moments with them. It was a start for their relationship, and both of them were prepared for anything to happens. For the hate, the rumours, and many more things.

authors note

look ok this wasn't all that gUd but dw

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