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third person.

Thursday had eventually rolled around and Julia was waiting for an Email to come in of the results from her audition. Anna was standing behind the chair she was sat in and had Daniel, Zach, Jack, Corbyn and Jonah on FaceTime, as they were just as excited to hear the results as Julia was.

"So when you get in, you'll take the first flight here ok? Have you got an apartment sorted?" Jack quickly said, clapping his hands together and placing them on the table.

"If I get in Jack, not when." Julia replied, rolling her eyes but smiling slightly afterwards, "But yes, my dad has an apartment ready If i get in."

"You're obviously going to get in," Daniel said, smiling at her as she smiled slightly back, "I mean I haven't heard you sing yet but I bet it sounds amazing."

"Someone's falling in love," Jonah mumbled enough so that the boys could understand what he was saying, as they all laughed after him making the joke and caused Daniel to almost go bright red.

"This email is taking forever," Anna complained, beginning to walk around in circles waiting impatiently for the email to come through, "I want to know If we're moving to LA or not."

Julia hadn't said much all day, the nervousness had built up inside her and she was just waiting for a sign of relief, whether that be her getting into the school or not.

The school of course came with a lot of downsides if she did get in, her moving to America would result in a lack of family time with her siblings and parents, and she'd obviously miss all the British things that Americans were unable to get their hands on.

It would also take up a lot of her time, the plans the boys had made to hang out basically everyday wasn't going to work with her schedule and homework in the school and that they'd have to find a way around it somehow.

And what stressed her out more was everyone who was almost certain she was going to make it into the school, that everyone had such high expectations of her when Julia know herself she couldn't reach them and that it'd be a low chance of her making it into the school.

So, Julia refreshed the page that held all her emails and after it had fully refreshed, at the top of the screen held the email everyone had been waiting for from the school.

"Open it." Anna said, grabbing her best friends shoulders and looking at the laptop screen, "Now, do it."

"Let me calm down a bit, I'm nervous." Julia replied, taking a deep breath then clicking on the Email, looking away from the laptop.

"What are you doing?" Zach asked, the rest of the boys as confused as him, "You have to look at the screen to find out."

"Allow me, everyone," Anna said, taking Julia's place and scrolling down the page trying to find the actual results, "Am I dumb or are they not here?"

"You are a dropout, do we have to answer that?" Corbyn commented, warning a small glare from her before she turned her attention back to the laptop screen and began reading the big paragraph.

There was silence for a few seconds before Julia also looked back at the screen, beginning to read the paragraph too. The boys were growing tense out of the amount of suspense the girls were holding, until Anna's jaw dropped and she looked at the boys quickly nodding her head.

"We're moving to America ladies." Anna clapped, running around the room before running back over to Julia and giving her a tight hug, "When are we leaving?"

Julia didn't say anything back, which worried the six of them slightly. Being too shocked to process the fact that she had actual made it into a school that seemed impossible to get into, it made her want to rethink her decision to actually go there.

"I don't think I want this." Julia finally said, leaving everyone confused and saddened as they had had days preparing for this moment and excitement building up inside them.

"What?" Daniel said softly, sighing slightly and looking at her through the screen, "You don't want it? What about it don't you want?"

"It's too much," Julia replies, shrugging as Anna took a seat next to her, "I'm not ready for it or for the things I have to pretend to not know about."

"Juls, you've been waiting for this moment for two years?" Anna quickly said, to which her best friend just shook her head and ended the facetime call with the boys before heading over to her room and closing the door shut.

Making Anna and the five boys on the other side of the world wondering where that sudden change of mind came from.



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