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third person.

As Friday quickly came around the corner, the group of 8 were heading to a party just down the road from Taylor's apartment.

The boys were already there, they decided to go early to catch up with a few people before the party actually begun, and the girls said they would join them later on.

So they did, and as the three of them were walking towards the place, it was easy to assume they were under the influence of alcohol, even though they weren't.

"We look so good." Anna said, putting her arm around Julia and laughing slightly, "We need to take some instagram photos."

"Also Julia, Anna told me you like Daniel," Taylor interrupted Anna, looking at Julia with raised eyebrows.

"Anna has told everyone I like Daniel." Julia laughed, Anna nodding as she had pretty much told everyone she knew except the boys, which mainly only left Julia's family and their small group of friends back in England.

Upon the three of them arriving at the on-going party, they stepped inside the house and were immediately greeted by the boys and two other girls they had never met before, but seemed very close to the group of them.

"Wow, you're cute." Daniel said to Julia, smiling at her as she smiled back, staring at the floor to avoid embarrassment clearly showing on her face.

"Also, Anna and Julia, this is Christina, who you've all heard me talk about as she's my lovely girlfriend." Corbyn explained, the girls introducing themselves to Christina as she did the same back.

"And this is Gabriela, my extra lovely girlfriend, who I have also talked about." Jack said after Corbyn as the girls also introduced themselves to her.

"You can just call me Gabbie." She said, smiling politely before Jack and her wondered off to get a drink.

"Anna they have cotton candy." Zach said in excitement, jumping and clapping as he grabbed her hand and pulled her through to the kitchen, both of them excited to get some.

As people left the big circle one by one, all that was left were Jonah, Taylor, Daniel and Julia. Jonah was waiting for Tate to arrive and Taylor had no one else to go off to, considering she hadn't met many people that were friends with the boys.

So as they were stood by the drinks, having a conversation to each other, a guy had suddenly came up behind Daniel, scaring him and then greeting him before he looked at Julia, confused.

"Oh, this is Julia." Daniel said, smiling at her as he pointed to the guy beside him, "Julia, this is Corey, he's a good friend of mine."

"So you got yourself a girlfriend?" Corey said, putting his arm around Daniel and looking at Julia, "We're shipped together, did you know that, like people think we're a couple."

"And Julia and I are not dating," Daniel sighed, his smile dropping a little as he moved Corey's arm off of himself, "We're just friends."

"Everyone starts as just friends," He raised one eyebrows, before walking off to join Crawford and the rest of their group.

Taylor laughed awkwardly as Jonah stood there, watching Daniel as he looked up at Julia, who was smiling slightly at him.

"Hey, did you know they've got temporary tattoos upstairs in the bathroom? Look at ours," Jack said, running over to the group and showing both his and Gabbie's tattoos they had applied to their arms.

As everyone looked at the tattoos the pair had gotten, both of them getting a tattoo of the world on their arms, Daniel and Julia looked up at each other and gave the other a look, before grabbing each other's hands and half running towards the stairs.

Anna watched the two of them, then looked over at Zach who was also watching them, but looked a little more confused then her.

Once they entered the bathroom that was in between all the big groups of people, the door was shut and they looked over at the selection of temporary tattoos.

"I think we should get matching ones." Daniel said, sitting down beside Julia, who was carefully looking at them all, "Like funny but cute matching."

She nodded, picking out all the matching ones from the pile and carefully looking through them, before giving him the choice of two, "Cats or hearts?"

"Seeing as you love and miss your cats, then I choose that, are we applying them to our arms?" He asked.

After arranging where to place them on their bodies and agreeing on their arms, they took turns applying the tattoos to each other, laughing away as they did so.

Once they had successfully applied each tattoo and made sure they looked okay, the pair headed back downstairs to show the group, the two of them being very enthusiastic about it.

"They aren't even that good." Taylor said, causing most of the group to go silence and lower their heads a bit, "They'll wear off in like two days."

"So? It's a bit of fun." Anna replied, rolling her eyes, "Stop trying to cause unnecessary drama."

"I'm not even doing anything." Taylor crossed her arms, looking over at Julia who was quickly getting frustrated.

She rolled her eyes, making her way outside to leave the rest of the group with Taylor, and took a seat outside on a bench, slowly joined by Daniel.

"Aren't you cold?" Daniel asked her, sitting next to her and taking off his jacket before placing it around her.

"Do you think Taylor dislikes me?" She asked, looking at Daniel and locking eye contact, "Because she always seems to have something to say about everything I do that involves you or someone she's close to."

"She's probably just jealous, who wouldn't be jealous of someone as beautiful and caring as you," He shrugged, smiling slightly, "I wouldn't worry about her, i've known her a while and she gets jealous easily."

"Nice to know you think i'm attractive." The girl mumbled, putting on Daniels jacket properly and pulling the sleeves over her hands, "You're also attractive."

They both smiled at each other, continuing their conversation as the night went on, and before either of them knew it Daniel had his arm around the girl as her head was leant against his shoulder, and they couldn't think of any better way to spend time together.

authors note

lol umm sorry for the not so great
update :')

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