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third person.

It had almost felt like a full cycle.

Going from England to LA a nervous wreck and leaving LA to fly back to England the same nervous wreck she normally was. Except it wasn't an audition that caused it this time, but a boy.

Julia had no reason to be mad at Daniel, even though the cheating situation had been something that was caused by lack of communication, it still hurt her that he didn't trust her enough to know she wouldn't do that to him.

And so, getting off the flight arriving in England, she knew that Anna and her family would be waiting for her. At first it was only Anna, but since her family had been informed about the break up they came along to be there for her.

They spotted each other almost straight away and Anna made sure she was the first person to hug Julia, she had ran up to her and practically tackled her to the ground with a hug.

"God I missed you," Anna said, letting go of Julia and grabbing ahold of her hand, "This is the last time we're ever without each other for more than 3 days."

"You're ok, yes?" The girl continued, looking at Julia as she nodded, which was when a somewhat uneasy smile appeared on Anna's face, "I know you're not, but I promise you I'm here for you."

Julia nodded again, a very small smile on her face as the two of them walked over to greet Julia's family as a huge hug was formed with the group of them.

The drive back to the house was quicker than expected, most of it involved Hazel and Oliver telling Julia all the insults they had made about Daniel, that they had saved in case something bad was to happen.

As soon as they got into the house, Anna and Julia headed upstairs to what was her old room, that was now becoming her room again for the time being. The pair of them already had their favourite Netflix show on and were eating the few sweets Anna had got to comfort Julia.

"Do you know what the funny thing is about this." Julia said, looking up at her ceiling, "Taylor is probably going to try get with him."

"And we both know Daniel won't get with her, so don't worry about it." Anna replied, looking at Julia as she sighed, "Taylor is out of our lives now, got it?"

"Got it." Julia sighed, pulling a blanket over herself, "I can't believe he cheated on me."

"Hey, Julia look." She said, sitting up and looking at her best friend, "He did what he did, and he explained why and apologised. You just need to decide how you're going to respond to it. Whether that's forgetting him or giving him a second chance."

"Do you think he'll want to get back with me?" Julia asked Anna as she nodded, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Definitely, you two were basically made to be together."

The next few hours were filled with Anna and Julia talking about countless things, and it had gone back to exactly where they were before their argument.

After spending time as just the two of them, they went downstairs to Julia's family, catching up with them and lightening up Julia's mood slightly.

She felt much more welcomed back home than she did in LA, and she was happy with finally being back around her family instead of being miles away from them. They ended the day by having a small family game night, with Anna included.

And so, that night Julia went to bed with the slightest smile on her face, Anna by her side as she has refused to go home until Julia was somewhat okay.

Even though she had constantly been thinking of Daniel her family reminded her that there was much to being happy than a boy who already has plenty of girls chasing after him, but his smile and laugh was too difficult to erase.

I guess that at the moment Daniel had also been thinking of Julia, because when she closed her eyes her phone vibrated and as she looked at the notification, it was a text from that boy.

Julia sighed, tempted to reply but ignored it and rolled back over to try and get a good nights sleep for once.

But she would almost never forget how he made her feel like she was on cloud nine.



i hope i made you smile
that's all i ever wanted
read 11:21pm

authors note

merry christmas!

this was the end of book one :(
thank you all for the support, it has meant so
much to me especially since this was the first book
i had made in a while that i actually enjoyed writing. the funny comments made my day
and i can't thank you enough omg i love you

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