2 || you saved me

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i arrived home from the shops to buy some bandages and treatments for my cuts and wounds

I open the door with my keys and found my father sitting on the couch very drunk with bottles of whine and alcohol surrounding him

" why are you late kayla " he growled getting up and walking close to me

I slowly back up away from him until my back hits the wall , I couldn't escape

I stayed silent , not being able to answer him

" why are you late " he repeated shouting at me

My eyes started tearing up , I was scared

" I -I went to the shop " I stuttered

He grabbed me by my clothes and threw me across the floor

" who the fuck said you could leave this house " he shouted walking up to me with a belt that was previously around his waist

" no one " I said

" so why did you do it " he said starting to beat me up

I let out painful cries

My body getting more tired from the beatings and slaps I get every day

" answer me you filthy bitch " he said hitting me more

Bruises and cuts were more visible on my skin

The wounds that healed from before re opened

I was in so much pain

I couldn't fight back , I was too weak

All the energy I had before was drained away from me

He started feeling drowsy from all the alcohol he drank and fell onto the ground passing out

I laid there in shock

Now Kayla, it's your time to escape

I grab my bandages and treatments running outside of the house

Running as fast as I can I come across a bridge

I wanted this all to end

I wanted all the pain to stop

No one cared about me anymore , life was useless and not worthy of living

It wouldn't hurt anyone if I jumped over

Ethans PoV

I was driving on the bridge when I come across a young girl walking up to the edge of the bridge


I quickly got out of my car and slowly made my way towards her

" excuse me " I called out

She looked at me

" hey hey , what's the matter " I asked

She didn't answer

She continued walking towards the bridge

I slowly made my way towards her

" I'm not gonna hurt you , please . Come to me and we can talk " I gently said

She shook her head and placed one leg over the bridge

One leg hanged off the bridge while the other one was on it

If she moved the leg to the other side , she's gone

" please " I pleaded

I wasn't good with these things , I've never experienced trying to stop someone from ending their life

I didn't care if I didn't know her , no one deserves to end their life

She placed her other leg to the edge of the bridge

If she jumps then I'll loose her

She jumped

I dash towards her , using every energy I had in me

I quickly arrived to her and managed to grab her hand in time while she dangled off the edge

Her eyes started to slowly close

" I got you " I said pulling her up with all the strength in me

Once I pull her up I bring her to my car and wrap her in a blanket and gave her water to drink

" you saved me " she tiredly said

" I'll take care of you " I whispered

I let her sit in the passengers seat and put on her seat belt then got in the drivers seat and continued my journey to home

She slowly started to fall asleep while I was deep in my thoughts

saviour || ethan Where stories live. Discover now