23 || danger

141 4 1


.........my father

someone who let me down and just lost all interest in looking after his daughter

His face always had that evil smirk on it but this one was worst

I try moving my arm away from his grip but it tightened making me hiss out of pain

" we meet again " he smirks moving closer to me

His hand glides across my face

" such a beautiful young lady who has hidden talents which you'll show to me very soon darling " he whispers

Disgust and scare filled my body

I couldn't do anything

Tears started clouding my eyes as I repeatedly tried to escape his grip

" let go off me" I scream out loud

Ethans PoV

Me and Grayson were walking back home when we heard someone scream

Let go off me

That voice sounded very familiar but we were going to check it out anyways

We run as fast as we could to where we heard the noice and once we turn into a corner we see kayla being touched by her father

Anger filled my body , rage was in me

I harshly push him away from her which ended up in him landing on the floor

I go to him and start beating him up until I was satisfied while Grayson gave kayla his warm coat and gave her a long safe hug

Once I was done I saw kayla with puffy eyes , shivering from how cold it was

My heart absolutely broke

I told her I would keep her safe and never let anything happen to her

She believed me

I sighed and looked down

Soon I hear and see footsteps come towards me and engulf me into a hug which I excepted

I sniff in and notice it was Kayla , she had a scent

I let out a huff while rubbing my hands through her hair as her arms gripped around my waist

" I'm so sorry Kayla , I failed you " I whispered

" you didn't ethan , you both didn't know something like this would happen " she explained

I just nod and continue holding her in my arms while Grayson started talking to her dad about how disgusting it is to do that to anyone without consent

After he finished talking to her dad we left him on the floor and went home to take care of Kayla

saviour || ethan Where stories live. Discover now