10 || love

162 4 2


" hey I'm Grayson , you must be " he started off

"Kayla " I complete for him

" it's very nice to meet you , Ethan talks a lot about you " he said teasing Ethan

" okay whatever man let's come in " ethan said blushing trying to find an excuse for me to not see it but I did

" you're cute " I said making him smile

He lets out a light laugh and shakes his head before we both make our way into the warm house

I look to see two older people sitting on one chair while there was a olde girl sitting on a couch

" hello darling you must be Kayla " Lisa said getting up to walk over towards me

" yeah " I told her

She instantly wrapped her arms around me making me smile

I clutch onto her as I started getting a little sad but I made sure not to let it be noticeable

This hug reminded me of the ones my mum gave me , they were so loving yet safe

It was like I felt at home and that I could feel my mother

It's a dumb thought I know , I just miss her you know

I try to pull away but Lisa didn't budge

She could sense something

" you're more than welcome here darling " she whispers in my ear

I smile and look at her

" thank you so much " I said with my eyes starting to cloud with tears

" don't cry love , you're too beautiful for that" she said wiping my tears that soon fell

" I'm sorry you had to see me like this " I told hwe

" don't worry Kayla , I'm here for you " Lisa said

I thank her and I'm soon met with their sister Cameron

I put out my hand for her to shake but she wraps her arms around me making me smile and wrap mine around her 

" I don't do handshakes , I do hugs " she said

I smile again and we both pull away a few seconds later

" that means you're very special because she doesn't hug anyone " Grayson said

" of course your special if my brother has told me all about you and completely daydreams about you when speaking to me . It kind of gets annoying because he just won't stop talking but I'm happy for him " she said ruffling his hair

" Cameron " he moans annoyed that his hair is messy

She laughs and Sean laughed as well getting up

He walks over to me and opened his arms

I look up at him before going into his arms being surrounded by protection and safety

" I'll always take you in as a daughter Kayla , remember we're here for you " Sean told me

I clutch onto him and close my eyes tightly to try and not let the tears escape

This is all I've ever wanted in life but I simply couldn't get it from my father

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