20 || reassurance

155 4 1

right now me and Grayson were sitting on one couch while ethan sat on a big comfy chair

We were all watching a movie on the big screen

My head was on grayson's lap as he played with my hair

I look at ethan and he seems angry and annoyed

He noticed me looking at him and got up walking out of the living room

I was so confused but decided to follow him to see what was up

He was walking very fast but once I caught up to him I grip his arm to stop him from walking

He turns around and sighs

" yes " he asks

" what's the matter ethan , why are you so moody" I asked

" maybe because the girl I like looks so comfortable with my brother and I didn't like it " he straight up said

I was in disbelief, really ?

" Ethan , you've got it all wrong . I see Grayson as a brother . I like you and only you , why can't u see that ? " I told him

He sighs and looks down

" I don't know " he mumbles

" I get jealous I guess . He's always been so close with my girlfriend in the past and they ended up doing a little fling after we broke up . I'm scared that Grayson could try to take you or like you even if we're together one day . I'm scared you'll like him more than me " he says lowly embarrassed by what was coming out of his mouth

I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on my tip toes to give him two pecks on the lips

" Ethan , my eyes are on you not Grayson , not anyone else " I reassured him keeping eye contact

He smiled and shook his head

" I'm sorry " he told me

" it's normal to feel that way ethan , don't worrry" I said

He wanted to go sleep so I go with him to his room

He undressed and stayed in his joggers while shirtless

I undress to my underwear and a warm hoodie he gave me that I was definitely going to keep

It smelt so nice , exactly like him

We go in bed and I lay on top of him then he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close before his hand lays on my side and mine lays on his chest

I put one leg over his since I loved sleeping in that position

" goodnight beautiful " he whispers

" goodnight ethan" I say before closing my eyes

Minutes passed by and I was out

              " I'm falling for you hard kayla "

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