13 || night views

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Me and Ethan were walking out at night right now

Enjoying the city lights and car lights everywhere

It was an amazing view

There was a club not far from where we were and there was a party going on

Ethans car was parked a few meters away from us but we wanted to get out and enjoy the night

As we walked side by side I felt his hand slyly slide into mine making me smile

" you're very cute " I giggled

" well I try " ethan said cockily

I laugh and shake my head before asking him a question

" Ethan " I say

" yes kayla " he replied

" do you ever feel down or upset " I ask

" of course , everyone does . It's just I hide it more because I don't really like showing my emotions . I want to be seen as tough and not this poor boy who cries whenever he's sad . It's just this generation these days , men and boys can't cry without being judged so I hide my shit in " ethan explains

" don't ever hide it from me ethan , I won't judge you at all " I told him

He sighs and looks down

I stop walking and also stop him walking . My hand laid underneath his chin as I gently lift it up

" I mean it , I'm here for you just like you're here for me " I told him truthfully

He nods and I bring him into a warm loving hug which he accepts and wraps his arms around my small body

I enjoyed being in his arms

A few seconds later we pull away and continue walking hand in hand

" the only person I've really cried in front of was Grayson . He's my bestfriend , he wouldn't judge me " ethan told me

My thumb gently rubs on his hand for comfort

" don't worry about what others think , you're showing your emotions . It's good . It's showing that you need help , you need to be comforted and to never feel alone " I explain to him

" thank you " he said

" of course , I'm always here to talk " I said

The rest of the night was spent calmly , enjoying each other's company

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