27 || preparation

116 2 0


Sorry I don't post often it's because I'm busy with school then afterschool I'm so tired and sometimes I run out of ideas for the next chapters

we head over to their gym room and when I enter my eyes were met by all the gym sets you could possibly fit into a big room

they grab some boxing gloves and pads

they throw me a pair of boxing gloves while Grayson takes the pads and Ethan stands next to me to guide my hand

" we're going to train you step by step "

I nod and they continue speaking

" the first training we're gonna do is teach you just how to punch in general so you're going to punch the pad with your weakest hand first only once " Grayson instructs

I nod and breathe in before punching my weakest hand into the pad as hard as I can

" that was good but we'll improve it since that's your weakest hand . Now let's see your strongest hand " ethan said

I nod and punch my strongest hand into the pad as hard as I could

" impressive " Grayson said

" thank you " I grin

" now we're going to teach you how to punch consistently as in right after one punch the next one comes in with the other hand " ethan explains

" alright " I say

He takes one hand and guides it to the pad then when it hits the pad it moves away while the other one comes in to punch the other pad then it repeats until I finally understood how to do it properly

" now do you understand " Grayson asks

" yeah" I told them

" go ahead and try by yourself , remember to get into your boxing position and to be focused at the target which is for now the pads . Are you ready " ethan says

" I'm ready " I replied getting into my starting position while my eyes laid on the pads

" go " ethan says

I start punching the pads as hard as I could right after the other

30 minutes later

We finally finished and it was time to take a shower which was what I did then after they planned on watching a movie to spend some time with each other while enjoying ourselves

It was a very long day but all the boxing was worth it

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