28 || safety shopping

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( unedited )

Hey guys it's been a while . I'm sorry I don't upload a lot I'm just very tired these days and run out of ideas so if u have any please tell me . I am busy with school and life it's just that I don't have time or energy to write chapters a lot . I still will write them it will just sometimes take time . Anyways apart from that enjoy this chapter xx

although we were doing boxing ethan and Grayson were still worried about my safety so they decided to go safety shopping with me where we'd get all the weapons and tools to keep me safe in the streets

We drove to the shop that would have everything we needed and then walked in once we arrived

Our eyes were met with so much weapons , sprays etc

our checklist was :
pepper spray
a gun
a pocket knife
bullet proof clothes

They insisted that I'd keep them on me at ALL times which was hard but I'd try to manage

I've never held a gun or pocket knife

Pepper spray , never used it

Bullet proof clothes , never thought I'd have to use it

We go to the gun section and look at all the guns they have

They weren't loaded because that would be dangerous so they were all at the counter while the guns were on display

It took around 5 mins to choose one because we had to find the best in the store

We look on our checklist and tick it

our checklist was :
pepper spray
a gun✅
a pocket knife
bullet proof clothes

Next was pepper spray

We go to all the spray sections and see so much sprays that could come in use but we needed a paper spray so when it's sprayed in the eye they can't see

It took us not long to find one , we had to read a few of them and see if they were good or strong

Once we found one we put it into the basket alongside the gun and put a tick next to it

our checklist was :
pepper spray✅
a gun✅
a pocket knife
bullet proof clothes

We continued looking for the other things at the store then once we finished we payed and then go everything we needed for the gun then drove back home

We were also going to prepare to keep me safe with these

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