19 || i like you too kayla

138 4 1

( very short , unedited)

Ethan enters and I instantly get nervous

He stood there frozen

" what's this " he asks

" your birthday surprise from me " I said smiling

I got up and made my way towards him then intertwined our fingers together

As I start speaking I look down completely scared of his reaction of what I'm about to say

" I wanted to tell you something I've been keeping in for days now and I just wanted to let you know regardless of your reaction" I start off

" The thing is ....... I like you and I know you don't like me back but I just wanted to get it off my-" I get cut off by a pair of lips connecting to mine making me freeze but instantly melt into the kiss

I couldn't believe it , I was actually kissing ethan

His arms were around my waist and mine were around his neck as he brought me closer closing the space in between us

We shared a few more kisses before he pulled away and connected our heads together giving me one more peck on the lips

" I like you too kayla , a lot" he says

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