11 || stars

144 2 1


i wanted to let my mind wonder with thoughts by viewing the stars at night so that's what I did

I got a phone that no one used in the house but would sometimes go on and unlocked it

They said I could use it until I get a new phone which they'd buy for me although I insisted for them not to they still wanted to

I go on maps and look for the nearest field

It was 5 mins away so I got the phone and walked to the field following the directions on the map

It was night time and the stares were out , twinkling in the night sky

I wanted to be somewhere with an amazing view full of lights , buildings and cars

This new place was going to be my place where I go to have my thoughts at night

I wasn't suppose to go out without anyone because they were too scared I'd do something to myself but I didn't want to disturb anyone

I arrived at the field and walked up to the highest part then took a seat on the grass

Ahead of me was the city , the bright light everywhere

My thoughts clouded my mind instantly taking over me

" Kayla? " someone says

I turn behind me to see ethan

" what are you doing here " I ask confused as to how he knew where I was

" I heard the front door lock and had to check who it was so I saw it was you and followed you just to make sure you were safe . What are you doing here " he said walking over me and sat down beside me

" just thinking " I told him

" elaborate " he said

" it's hard " I said looking down at my fingers that were fiddling with each other

He saw that and gently grabbed my hand then looked at me

" I want to know so I can be there for you , let me in kayla " he told me

I bite down on my lip confused as to if I should tell him or not

" okay fine " I said

I didn't look at him once as I spoke

" I was just thinking about when I met your parents and how loving they were towards me . When I hugged your dad I wanted to break down because he made me feel so cared about . He told me he'd take me in as a daughter and treat me like one even though I'm not . Your mother reminds me so much of mine and I wanted to cry so badly . I fucking miss her Ethan and I can't cope without her " I said letting out my tears

He instantly brought me into a hug where I was in his arms and his arms were around my body as I clutch onto them

" I got you , you won't go through this alone "

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