16 || taking care of me

157 4 1

(unedited )

today I wasn't feeling good

I just felt sad , broken

I was crying just seconds ago but I've now calmed down

There was no particular reason of me crying , I just needed to let out everything I've been holding in

Ethan was downstairs and could hear some cries so he made his way upstairs and saw me

His heart broke

My eyes were puffy , I had eye bags , my eyes slightly had red in them due to me crying a lot , my cheeks were puffy

I looked disgusting

" stop staring at me , I look ugly" I said hiding my face in my hands

Ethan sighs and walks up to me . He kneels down and gently removed my hands away from my face before intertwining them with his

" you're not ugly when you cry Kayla . You're beautiful, I still see the same beautiful Kayla sandrez donalds " he informed me

A little smile was forming on my face

He knows how to make me smile whenever I'm feeling sad

" how about I make you a warm bath " he suggested

I nod and he gets up

" I'll be right back , I'm going to make the bath " he said then kissed my forehead

He exits the room and I lay down on the bed letting my thoughts cloud my head

*10 minutes later *

Ethan came back and carefully picked me up

My arms wrapped around his neck as my legs wrapped around his waist . His big arms were holding me in place as he brought us to the bathroom

On the way there I saw petals and candles leading towards the bathroom making me blush

But that wasn't the biggest surprise

When we enter the bathroom the whole bathroom was full of petals , candles , bath bombs on the sides and so much more

I can see why it took him around 10 minutes to do this

A big smile was shown on my face as I give him a peck on the cheek before hugging him

" thank you ethan " I whispered

" of course " he told me before letting me down seconds later

" let me help you get undressed " he politely suggested

My face showed that I grew worried and anxious

I didn't have confidence in my body , I was insecure

Ethan seemed to notice my reaction

" Kayla . I won't hurt you , I wanna help" he softly said

I slowly nod and he helps me take off my top first leaving me in my bra and leggings along with my pants

A/n : in England we call them pants some people call it panties 😖I don't like that word  . Some people call it underwear as in your bottom part of underwear but yeah just in case anyone was confused

He gives me a look asking if it was okay that he could continue and I nod

I trusted him

He goes behind me and unclips my bra making the straps land mid way down my arms

He comes in front of me again and pulls them all the way down then tosses it on the side

" you're beautiful " he said admiring me

A tint of pink spreads across my cheeks

" stop " I whine

" I can't help it you are " he said making me grin

He kneels down and helps me out of my leggings

The last piece of clothing on me was my pants

My breathing hitched in my throat

If he takes this off he'll see all of me I thought to myself

He saw my hesitation and rubbed my hands for me to calm down

" I'm not going to hurt or judge you " he informed me

I shakily said okay and he wraps the hook of his fingers around my pants before pulling them off my legs

My whole body was exposed to him

He looks up at me and smiles before giving my thighs a kiss

" absolutely beautiful " he said wowed

I giggle and he picks me up unexpectedly making me squeal

I was placed in the bath and was instantly hit with all the bubbles and warm water

I sigh as I felt so good from the temperature of the water

It was soothing and relaxing

Ethan sat down in front of the bath tub and threw water on me helping me relax

I stare at him with a smile on my face and he looked up making our eyes meet . A grin appears on his face before kissing my head

What is this boy doing to me

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