12 || bonding with grayson

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today I was hanging out with Grayson because he wanted to get to know me more

we went over to the kitchen and sat down opposite each other

In front of me was my breakfast that he kindly made

" so tell me about yourself " Grayson said eating his avocado toast

" well there's nothing exciting about me but anyways . My name is Kayla sandrez donalds and I'm 17 years old , my birthday is June 2nd . I loved art ever since a young age and I'll always love it . It's an escape from reality " I explain to him

" wow , I'm intrigued . Did you use to paint at places and show your work or was it something more private " he asks

" it was something more private because it showed how I was feeling and I didn't like telling people or showing them how I feel . It's something I bottle up inside of me normally " I told him

He gave me a frown and I start eating my toast

" if you ever want to talk with someone I'm always here if you need me " he told me with a friendly smile

" thank you gray , can I call you that " I asked

" of course you're more than welcome to " he said

" thanks . Tell me about yourself , I wanna know more than just your name " I said letting out a little chuckle

He smiled and started talking

" well my name is Grayson bailey dolan I know it's a girls middle name just pretend it isn't . I love art as well actually but I'd do more paintings of things rather than my emotion . I'd do paintings of say example a bowl of fruit or things like that . I'm also a doctor but I don't work that much , they give me days off sometimes so I chill at home " he explained

" oh" I said then hear footsteps walking into the kitchen

Soon there was someone's presence behind me with their hands over my eyes

" guess who it is " they said

It was ethan , I could tell

" Ethan " I said smiling

" correct " he told me smiling back then planted a kiss on my cheek before walking over to the cupboards leaving blush to appear on my face

Grayson saw this and smiled

He loved seeing his brother happy and making someone happy

We continue talking and getting to know each other more

He was very interesting, he also had a story behind him

Everyone did

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