21 || she's beautiful

171 2 2

(unedited )

( this chapter is very random , if you have any ideas for the book PLEASE COMMENT !!!! I'm very very stuck on what to write next )

Cameron wanted to come over and have some girl time with me so we were going to talk about boys etc

All the things girls talk about with one another

Ethan was on his phone opposite us but he had earphones in probably listening to music or something

" so , tell me all the tea about you and Ethan " she said wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh

" he's really sweet , I like him a lot ." I told her smiling

" aweeeee you guys are so cute " she said

I blush and continued talking

Ethans PoV

I could hear them speaking , I wasn't really listening to music

he's really sweet , I like him a lot

That put a smile on my face but they didn't notice

I'm glad we're on the same path

I start staring at her while she was talking

Let's say you could call it admiring instead of staring

She was laughing and it made me happy that she was happy

Her laugh and smile was beautiful

She turned to me and saw me smiling at her then playfully blew a kiss towards me making me laugh

Cameron gave looked at me and Kayla before giving me a wink making me put up my middle finger

" love you too bitch " she said out loud making Kayla chuckle

They continue speaking and I continue sitting there admiring her because why not

She's beautiful

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