15 || the key to my pain

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( sensitive chapter )


he made his way over to me and Ethan

You could tell he was very drunk by the way he was moving

Ethans first instinct was to protect me so he moved me behind him so he was now face to face with my dad

My breathing started going faster , i couldn't control it but then I remembered Ethans words he told me days ago

I'm here , I'm going to protect you at all costs , even if my life depends on it . Stop worrying and stressing out

My breathing slowly went back to normal and one of Ethans arms on me showing me that he was here for me and here to protect me , that I had nothing to worry about

It's like he could read and understand me without even looking at me

" who are you " my dad slurred out

" I'm her boyfriend " ethan said proudly


A smile appeared on my face at the word

" you're with this whore " my dad laughed

" first of all she's not a whore . Second of all that's you're daughter you're talking about . Third of all yes I am with this " whore " you're talking about . But she's not a whore . She's the most creative , beautiful, amazing , talented and lovely girl I've ever met . I'm glad I know her and that I'm with her because I would've missed up on a good opportunity. That's for sure what you missed up on . You missed up on her . Anyone would be lucky to be with Kayla or even get to be around her . She's one in a million and you missed out on the best chance you could ever get in your life that some people aren't fortune of having . A child " ethan said

My dads face changed like Ethans words hit him for a second before his face went back to how it was before - emotionless

Ethan gently took my hand in his and walked away with me out into the back of the party where hardly anyone was there

Once we went out that's when I let our everything I was holding in at that moment

Every feeling , every pain , every thought

I let it out

Ethans arms instantly wrapped around my body for comfort

I clutch onto his shirt as I let out my cries

"Kayla , please don't cry . I don't like seeing you cry " ethan pouted while stroking my hair

" you're not a whore . you're an angel , someone that no one should forget about or even give up on . I'll always be here for you kayla .  Remember that . If you're ever going through shit in life , I'm not far away . I'll be there . If you're in another country I'll fly over . If you're somewhere else and I'm not there I'll drive there . If it's 3am in the morning and you text me I'll come over or be there . Don't feel like you're alone because until the day I die you'll always have someone by your side and that someone is me . When anyone ever gives up on you just know I'll never  " he whispers as he rubs my back

His words made me feel calm , like my fathers words were meaningless

Ethan was the key to my pain and I needed him badly

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