26 || rules for safety

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(Unedited )

Grayson and Ethan brought me to the living room and wanted to go through some rules for safety after what happened that night

" okay we're going to tell you some rules we've made on how to keep you safe because you're one of our important priorities and we can't loose you Kayla " ethan started off

" yeah , we need to make sure that you're safe and in good shape at all times so what we've decided to do is train you like take you to the gym or even do boxing in our house so that you can escape situations like that " Grayson continued

" you'll also have a tracker on you so if there's no service press the tracker and we'll be able to locate you , that tracker doesn't need service . We'll also teach you ways to escape and what to do after you escape or what to do with the person like how to hurt them so they're on the ground for at least a few minutes or how to injure them badly so you can have enough time to run away " Grayson said

" do you understand what we're trying to say " ethan asks

" yeah " I said nodding my head

" good . Your training in the gym or at home will be every few days but we have to do it at least 3 times a week . We'll be doing things like boxing for the fighting , athletics for the running and role play like pretending we're in this situation and we'll teach you what to do . I know this might be over the top but we have to do whatever we can to keep you safe " ethan said

" it's not over the top , you guys are teaching me how to protect myself and I'm very thankful . Thank you " I told them

" anytime , your first session will start in a few minutes  . We got you a gym kit like the clothes and the set for the boxing and athletics " Grayson explained

" are you sure you want to do this " ethan asks

" yeah , I need this " I said

" alright let's get started " 

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