3 || im here for you

332 6 1

Ethans PoV

We arrived at my house and I carried her up to my room placing her on the soft bed then instantly wrapped her up with the silky covers

It was freezing outside and she was only wearing a short sleep t-shirt and shorts

I got out some comfy joggers and a warm hoodie

" May I put this on you " I asked unsure if she would allow me to

She nodded her head

I gently took off her shorts and placed the joggers on her then took off her t-shirt and placed the warm hoodie on her

She instantly snuggled into the warmth of my hoodie making me smile

" I'm ethan " I said

" kayla " she shyly said

I nodded

" a beautiful name for a beautiful girl " I said with a small smile

End of PoV

I smiled at the compliment

I felt better than I did a little bit

My father always use to cuss me about how I looked and make me feel like shit about myself

Having someone compliment you is a nice feeling even if you don't believe it

But I don't see what he did

" thank you " I quietly said

" why " He asked with a frown

" why what " i asked confused

" why did you want to die ? You have so much to live for " He asked with tears clouding his eyes

It was a touchy subject

He didn't think someone like me would go through so much

But never judge a book by its cover

I sat up getting ready to tell him the story

" my father is abusive . He'd always beat me up , throw objects at me and slap me , that's why I have all these bruises and cuts . My mother died trying to save me . He was aiming to throw a glass vase at me but my mum jumped in last second and saved me . She started bleeding heavily , the glass cut into her whole body . By the time I got to the hospital with her , she passed away . I didn't even get to tell her I love her " I said tearing up

He moved closer to me and placed his arm around me for comfort as I continued

" she was everything to me , the only right thing that happened in my life . The only person who cared for me , loved me and loved me for who I am left and joined all the beautiful souls in heaven . She'll always be my guardian angel , she sent you there on the bridge to save me because she didn't want to see me die , she wanted me to live and find a way through all of the tough shit in my life " i explained

He nodded for me to continue

" before I went to the bridge I arrived home late at night because I went to the shops to get some treatments and bandages for my wounds and cuts which I now forgot at the bridge . I open the door and saw my father laying there on the couch very drunk with alcohol surrounding him . Once he saw me rage filled his body , he started getting angry at me for leaving the house without permission and started beating me , throwing things at me and slapping me until he started feeling drowsy and passed out from all the alcohol he drank . That was my time to escape the house . The only thing I took with me was the treatments and bandages which I never got to use . I was running for my life , running as fast as I could even though I felt so weak , I had no energy on me but I had to run from this misery . I came across the bridge and was deep in my thoughts . I wanted to end it , so fucking badly until you came and saved me and brought me here which I thank you for but why did you " I said

" do you really think I'd want to see someone try to end their life ? I know things in life aren't always positive and don't work out but seek help , don't end it without trying . I don't understand why someone would want to hurt someone so fragile as you are . You seem like an amazing person whose been through the most shittiest times ever , you didn't deserve to die . Your mother didn't want you to , God didn't want you to . It wasn't your time . They sent me there to save you and I'm glad I did because I wouldn't of met you , you have such a life story and I want to help you . I want to be there for you , love you , care for you and be the person you've always wanted to have by your side . I want you to feel like you have someone with you at all times , that you don't feel alone . From now on you'll be living in my house , feel free to wear any of my clothes or use my things . This is now your home as well " he said

By now I was full on crying , I felt so relived

I finally felt like I had someone

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