7 || guardian angel

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(Unedited )

I wanted to visit my mother today

Ethan wanted to take me there so we got in his car and he drove off to the cemetery

I made her grave stand out , flowers were around the place , pictures of her and me and her

I put all my effort into it

We arrive at the cemetery and we get out of the car and walk to my mothers grave

Around 2 minutes later we came in contact with the grave and tears started filling my eyes

" mummy " my voice cracked as I traced the lettering on the grave

I started crying a lot , chocking , not being able to breathe

" breath kayla, breathe " ethan said in a soothing tone while rubbing my back

My breathing started coming back a few seconds later and I sniffed

" I miss you mum , so much you don't understand " I cried

" I need you " I shout while crying

" why did you go " I cry hitting the ground underneath me repeatedly

Ethan rubbed my back , it was the least he could do

" I need you mum . Come back " I sniffled

" shhhhhh " he said bringing me close to his body and engulfing me into a tight warm hug

I melt into his body warmth and hold onto him like my life depended on it

" shhhhhhhh let it all out , I'm here for you " he whispered patting my hair gently

My tears went into his shirt

" sorry " I apologised for setting his shirt

" I don't care about it , it's not important right now . You are " he said giving me a little smile

" thank you for being here for me when I need someone " I said

He gave my forehead a kiss

" no problem " he whispered

He got up and dusted off the dust on his trousers

" I'll stand a few metres away from you to let you talk to your mother" he told me

I nodded and he walked off

I look at him walking away then look back at my mothers grave and sighed

" I miss having you care for me , I miss having you by my side . I miss having a mum . I see children outside with their family and it makes me wish that happened to me . Why can't it be the other way around ? Why couldn't I die and u live and escape away from dad. Why did you have to die ? You didn't deserve it at all . I didn't even get to tell you how much I love you . I'll tell you now regardless if you can hear me or not . I love you so fucking much mum . You're my everything and gave me a home to live in . You always looked after me and cared for me when others didn't want to . You were always there and I can't never repay you . I love you forever and always my guardian angel " I said crying my heart out

Ethan noticed I finished and I turned around to see him with open arms which I ran into , instantly feeling protected

I hold onto him tightly as his hand rubs my back for comfort

" go wait in the car , I'll join you soon . I won't be long " he whispered

I nod and let go of him

" be careful " he said

" be careful as well " I told him

He nods and I turn around and head over to the car

Ethans PoV

While kayla was speaking with her mother I went to the car and brought some flowers that I bought on the way here

She didn't know I bought them because she was in the car waiting for me

I walk up to her mothers grave and had a frown on my face

" I didn't get to meet you but I'm ethan . I'll be the one to love your daughter , care for her and protect her at all costs . I'll protect her from any harm and her father . You can count on me to keep her safe , I'll protect her with my life , don't worry about her . I don't know if you can hear me but I hope you're in a better place filled with love and care and away from all the bad . Your daughter is my number one priority and I'll make sure I keep her safe . She's so amazing and should be loved by everyone she comes across , she's truly special and I'm glad I met her . Here are some flowers I bought for you , may you rest in peace " I said placing the flowers next to a photo of her and kayla

Her mother was so beautiful, her and kayla looked so similar

I quickly made my way back to the car to see kayla wrapped in a blanket and once she saw me she smiled making me smile back

I get into the car and drive back home

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