5 || sight seeing

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Ethan wanted me to explore the city today since I never got to living with my father

he wanted to take me to a high hill to see the stars and the night sky while having a picnic and talking about everything

we placed some crisps , water , fizzy can drinks , snacks and food into the basket and put the basket in the car

i was wearing Ethans hoodie and joggers because they were so warm and cosy , I didn't have any warm clothes

" you look cute " he said admiring me

My hair was in a messy bun and my face was all natural , I didn't really wear makeup probably only mascara or lipgloss/lipstick but that was it

" thanks " I replied shyly

We loaded everything we needed into the car and Ethan drove off to the hill

Once we arrived at the hill we had to walk through the forest to get to the top

We got the things we needed from the car and Ethan locked the car

As we walked we talked about our lives

" I have a brother called Grayson , he's in a different country right now for business , he's the CEO . I'm proud of him . He's actually my twin brother " he said

" twin ?" I asked shocked

" yeah , why are you shocked " he said laughing

" I don't even know , I never thought you were a twin " I said surprised

" I also have a sister called Cameron , she's younger than us and we protect her A LOT " he states

(I know Cameron is older but this is for the book )

" I'm the oldest , Grayson is the middle kid and Cameron is the youngest " he said

" wow " I said interested

" do you guys get along well or do you argue a lot " I asked , I wanted to know how it feels like to have a sibling

" yeah we argue a lot but at the end of the day they're still my brother and sister and I love them to pieces , I could never stop loving them , they're my blood" he said

" awww " I said

" yeah " he laughed

" how much siblings would you want " he asked intrigued

" 2 , one boy one girl , the girl being younger and the boy being the oldest . I want to know how it feels like to have a protective and loving brother who looks after his younger sisters and me and him look after our youngest sister . Sadly I don't have any siblings so I would never get to experience the feeling " I replied sadly

" don't be upset , my siblings would love you actually. Look at us like a second family " he said

I look at him

" are you sure " I asked

" 100% , they'd love you and wouldn't mind you being part of the family " he said

woah , being part of the family as a girlfriend or just someone

I won't go into thought about it

I pushed my thoughts aside and realised we reached the hill

" finally " I sighed

We find a place to sit and place the blanket we brought on the grass and laid on it

I open the basket and get some food and drinks and start eating

" tell me how life was with your mum and dad " he said

" my dad never let me or my mother go out anywhere , if we wanted to we had to go with him or not go at all . We always needed his permission . Sometimes I'd escape but he would find out and beat me for it , I hardly got to see the outside world . Most of the time when we asked him if we could he would say no or get angry at us for wanting to leave the house . He would get angry at the littlest things . My mum wanted to leave him so badly but if she did the worst would come for me and her so she didn't want to risk it . He even warned her saying if she ever leaves him she'd regret it 100% so we decided to not take the leap and risk our lives . The walls were sound proof so the neighbours didn't hear anything . All my life I lived it so afraid , so trapped and caged now that I finally feel free and get to live with someone so amazing and caring is something I've always wished for " I explained, my voice cracking at the end

He opened his arms and I rush to be in them , wrapping my arms around his neck while his were around my waist

" shhhh , it's okay . You're safe now " he reassured me

I hope I was

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