18 || i like you a lot ethan

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it was now Ethan and graysons birthday party and it's started around 20 minutes ago

The twins were going to come out now because they were on their way from somewhere else and needed to get ready for the party

We were going to turn the lights off before they came then when they do the lights turn off and celebrations go off and we scream happy birthday

Around 1 minute later we hear keys jiggling and quickly go in our places while someone near the lights turn them off

The door opens wide to show Ethan and Grayson

" Happy birthdayyyy" we all scream

Ethan stood there in shock while Grayson had a big grin on his face

I instantly run up to ethan and attack him into a hug while he laughed and wrapped his arms around my body

" happy birthday ethan " I whisper

" your surprise from me is in your room but you have to go later " I told him pulling away but still wrapped my arms around his neck

" can't I go now , I wanna see" he whines

I laugh and kiss his cheek and I could see a tint of blush

" no ethan " I told him completely pulling away to go to Grayson and give him a hug

" happy birthday bestfran " I told him laughing

" thank you girlfran " he replied making me laugh again

I honestly loved our relationship

They make their way to greet other guests and I see ethan talking with some making me stare at him with a smile

He's everything you could ever want in a man

Grayson stopped greeting guests for a while and walked over to me

" you like him " grayson said

" no " I said blushing

He gave me a look that said he already knew I did making me sigh

" fine , I can't help it . Look at him " I said shyly

Grayson grins at the thought of them two being together

" you're perfect for him , you'd make an amazing couple " Grayson told me making me smile

I give him another hug

" thank you grayson , for everything " I whisper kissing his cheek

" of course , I'm always here " he said before making his way to the guests he hadn't greeted yet

* after eating cake and opening presents *

I make my way sneakily upstairs and sit on Ethans bed waiting for him to enter the room

Grayson told him to go upstairs and by that time ethan completely forgot about the surprise from all the partying they did

Few minutes later I see the door knob go down and it's opens to reveal Ethan

Here goes nothing

saviour || ethan Where stories live. Discover now