22 || trouble

139 4 1

(unedited )

(Short )

Ethan and Grayson were out together and I was getting bored so I decided to go out myself

It was late at night and I wanted to go to the shops to get some snacks because why not , I'm hungry

I get dressed into simple clothes because the shop wasn't far and then made my way out of the house

I call Ethan and Grayson to tell them that I'm out just in case they come home and don't see me there

They told me to be careful and look out for myself

Once I arrive at the shop I get some of my favourite snacks along with some drinks because I was feeling a little thirsty

I pay for the things after then I make my way out of the shop and back home

While I walked I could hear footsteps behind me so without turning around I walk faster , my pace increasing

All of a sudden I feel a hand grab my arm and turn me around

I look up and my eyes meet with someone I'd never want to see ever again

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