25 || worry

135 4 0


It was the next morning and I didn't feel like talking with anyone but I knew I was going to fail

I didn't sleep with Ethan in the night , I was still terrified

I slept on his bed in his room because I needed my space and he totally respected that

He insisted that I sleep on his bed and we kept on arguing about it because I didn't want to be rude and sleep on it when it's his

He already went to the couch and said I have no other choice but to sleep on his bed so I just agreed and slept

Anyways back to the morning

I walk downstairs and as I'm walking I hear voices in the kitchen which were ethan and grayson's

I enter the kitchen and all eyes were on me making me feel uncomfortable

" hello kayla " Grayson says

I completely blanked him , I didn't want to at all but I just couldn't get my voice through my mouth and out in the open

" are you okay " he asks slowly walking to me as Ethan watched the scene

I look up at Grayson and sigh before looking down to the ground

" im scared" my voice croaked out

" scared of what " ethan asks

" I'm scared that something like this could happen again and I wouldn't realise or I wouldn't be able to do nothing about it . If it wasn't for you two I probably wouldn't even be here right now " I explain as tears fall down my eyes

Ethan walks up to me and gently glides his finger across my cheek as he cleared up the tears before pulling me into a warm comforting hug

His hand rubbed my back at a nice pace as his other hand massaged my hair making me feel calm and relaxed

" next time I think that we should go out with you in the night if u want to go out . It's not safe kayla. Imagine if no one saved you , I can't loose you " ethan said tearing up at the end

It's like we were switching roles now

I softly place my hands on his cheek and lean up to place a soft kiss on his lips

Grayson was now seated down and continued doing whatever he was doing to give us two some space

Once I pull away from the kiss I wrap my arms around his shoulders and give him another hug

We stayed in each other's arms for minutes

saviour || ethan Where stories live. Discover now