4 || getting to know one another

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(Unedited , if anything doesn't make sense or is false connected to the last few chapters please tell me nicely in the comments because I cba to read through it xx )

Ethan wanted to take me shopping to buy new things

He was going to pay for everything which I didn't want to happen but he insisted

I mean , who else could

I don't have any money

we went to a clothes shop and he let me pick out as much things as I wanted

I picked up a baby blue shirt , some grey leggings and joggers , some underwear and bras , some hair bands and hair brushes , some hair products , some shoes , toothbrushes and toothpaste , some shower things and some perfume

All together it costed £110.00

Once we finished from the shop I gave ethan a hug which surprised him a lot

" thank you ethan " I said

He wrapped his arms around me as he smiled

" no problem " he told me

We stayed like this for a few minutes enjoying each other's company then pulled away

" next stop , food shop " he said

I smiled with happiness in me

I didn't really eat anything when I was with my dad

All he ever gave me was water and sandwiches

I haven't had real food in a long time since my mother passed away

We went to Tesco and started picking out some snacks , drinks and food for us to eat

Once we finished he paid for it and we loaded the shopping into the back of the car before driving back home

We arrived home and we carried the things into the living room

" you can have the guest room but for now you'll be sleeping with me because I don't want you to do anything bad , I want to make sure you're okay " he explained

I nodded completely fine with the idea

He helped me carry my things upstairs into my room and helped me hang some clothes in the cupboard and helped organise my room

We finished around an hour later and I smiled at the results

It looked amazing

"All done " ethan said

" thank you " I smiled

He nodded with a smile back

" what do you want to do " he asked me

" I don't know " i said not knowing what to do

" let's get to know each other more " he suggested

" okay " I agreed

We made our way to my bed and sat on it

" tell me things about yourself " he said

" my name is kayla sandrez donalds and I'm 17 years old. My birthday is June 2nd . As a little girl I loved art because you could let loose and paint what was on your mind , I still love art till this day . obviously you know about my mother , her name was Sofia Marina Diana . She looked exactly like me , we were even mistaken by people to be sisters that's how similar we looked . My fathers name is Dan Harold Donald's . We never got along as you can tell from what I've told you before . I never had any siblings although I've always wished to have them . My life isn't interesting at all so tell me some things about yourself " I said

" my name is ethan grant dolan and I'm 17 years old as well , my birthday is March 19th. My mother's name is Lisa Dolan and My dads name is Sean Dolan , I love them two to pieces and I hope that next time I see my mum that I get to show you her and she could be like a second parent to you . When I see my dad I hope that I show you him and that he could be the father figure you've always wanted " he smiled

" thank you , it means so much ethan " I said hugging him

" no problem beautiful " he said smiling

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