I like you

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Mike and I had just gotten back from school and were waiting for hopper to get back from his shift at the police station, Since I had just started and wasn't allowed go home alone, I got to stay at Mikes house.

Mike had began to run down stairs to the basement while I was in his room, I think he said something about D&D.

"El?" Nancy said from in the door way of mikes room. "Yes?" I replied,looking up from Mikes supercom which I was looking at. "Did you see where mike went?! My piggy bank money is missing again!"she said angrily.

I tried my best to hold in a laugh because of the funny word,why have a bank in a piggy? I nodded and told her he was down stairs. Mike had been teaching me new words,and dad too. But I still had some learning to do.

One hour later

After an hour dad had still not come back so me and mike decided that we would take our chances and go to the arcade with the party, as we walked out the front door mike had held my hand, and I blushed slightly at his touch.

"Hey El?" Mike whispered,I looked up at him and answered, "yeah mike?" Mike cleared his throat before he said,"so uh, I don't want to scare you away but..-" just as he was about to continue Max and Lucas had ran into us just out side the arcade, they had been dating a while now,Max was teaching me stuff about relationships,so I know a little.


El and Max went into the arcade bathrooms while me and Lucas played games,still waiting for Will and Dustin. Lucas judged me with his shoulder and made a noise, "dude did you seriously hold her hand?!" I laughed and said"yeah..I mean she's my friend so of course I did." Lucas looked at me and replied,"you obviously like her..!" I scoffed and tried to argue with him but before I could Dustin and Will appeared behind us and coughed to get us to notice them.

"Hey guys" Dustin said smiling,and then Will quickly said "hey.." looking down nervously. Will had been acting a bit different around Lucas lately,but I didn't think much of it. After we exchanged hellos, El and Max came back from the bathroom laughing about something. I looked to El and she smiled,she had such a beautiful smile.. wait no mike! Concentrate.

The girls said their hellos as well and soon we all began to walk around the arcade, While El and Max stopped every now and then just to laugh. Lucas and me chose games next to each other and while playing started talking, "so, do you really like el??" Mike stuttered, "w-what?! N-no! Why would you think that?!" Lucas laughed and said "Dude your to obvious chill out." "Y-yeah..right." Dustin walked past them with a bag of popcorn and was eating and said, "Guys Max Is Going over my top score again!" He was stuffing popcorn into his mouth looking worried. Will was behind him and just went to talk to El about art.


I had been teaching El stuff about art recently and I was glad I could have someone to draw with. When I got up to El I heard her talking to Max about Mike. I decided to stop and listen. I don't usually eavesdrop because my mom and Jonathan had told me it was bad and I had thought so to,but I just wanted to know what was going on.

"El I seriously think you should just grow a pair and ask him out! I asked Lucas out!" When she said that I sighed,I started growing sort of like feelings for Lucas ,but I think it's just because he's such a good friend..right?I stopped thinking and listened again.

"Grow a pair? Of what?" El replied. Max just sighed and told her,"it doesn't matter.." I decided to show myself and just acted casual. I couldn't wait to tell Mike and the others. But then again I should probably keep it a secret,right?


I checked my watch and saw that it had been 30 minutes! I widened my eyes and ran over to El and told her we had to get to my house so Hopper wouldn't get mad. Hopper didn't seem to mind me,but when ever I would touch el (hold hands or cuddle) he'd get furious and want me to leave,it's all innocent though,so he just hopes we'll stay friends.

But I hope we can be more then that. When we got back to my house El sighed and sat in her fort. Since Hopper wasn't here just yet, I looked to El and decided I would..teach her some new words? I sat opposite her and cleared my throat. "El?" I questioned. She looked at me and smiled. "Yes?" She said in a soft voice.

"Do uh..do you think we could ever be more then just friends..?" I spoke. I couldn't believe it, I took Lucas's advice. El looked at me questioning my words, "like best friends?" God, this was so embarrassing,she probably doesn't even like me..! 

She was about to speak again before My mom came down stairs, "El Sweetie, your dads here to collect you.  El stood up and picked up her back pack from the ground and smiled. She began going upstairs and I followed her. Just as she was walking out the door she turned on her heel and faced me. "Mike.." she whispered looking into my eyes.

"Yes?" I replied. And just like that she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. She turned back around and began walking to the car. I gulped and ran to the car door,she rolled down the window and I looked at her and gulped again.

"El.?" I said, "yes?"

"I like you."

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